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Organisation: Adriaanse Street Clinic
Contact Person:???Telephone:


Organisation: Adventist Development & Relief Agency
Contact Person:Mrs Eunice Mason???Telephone:+27 31 700 5301/2/3/4/5/6

Description: The Adventist Development and Relief Agency for the KwaZulu Natal Free State area (ADRA KNFSA) identifies the disaster, social welfare and development needs of communities, coordinates, and then provides through affiliates, and participating community partnerships, meaningful care and sustainable development, utilizing available resources, motivated by supreme love for God and impartial love for our fellow men - to the ultimate glory of God.

Organisation: Advice & Development Project
Contact Person:Dawn Adams???Telephone:


Organisation: Advice Desk For Abused Women
Contact Person:Ms.Selvi Pillay???Telephone:+27 31 262 5231

Description: We deal with issues such as Domestic Violence - offering both 24 hour telephonic crisis intervention and face-to-face counselling for victims.We also have shelter services, support groups for victims (survivors), abusers and for children from violent homes.

Organisation: Advocates and Associates
Contact Person:Mr Tim Mthombeni???Telephone:+27 36 352 2858

Description: Advocates and Associates is a Non Governmental Organisation that deals with Community Priorities, and cater for HIV/AIDS infected and affected disadvantaged communities. It was formed by members of the community and thus operating very closely to the community. There are seven intervention programmes that are ran including: Children and Orphans Programmes; HIV/AIDS programmes; Income Generation Projects; Home Based Care and Research.

Organisation: AE Haviland Clinic
Contact Person:???Telephone:


Organisation: Africa Alive Kenya Chapter!
Contact Person:Timon Choro???Telephone:

Description: AA! Kenya is a youth-based organization fighting HIV/AIDS among the youth in Kenya. Africa Alive! is a regional concept with its regional office in Durban, South Africa and technically supported by John Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.

Organisation: Africa Cares For Life
Contact Person:Mrs Gail Schreiner???Telephone:+27 31 903 6093

Description: ACFL is a national networking body for Pregnancy Crisis Centres, Mother Homes, Baby Shelters, and Sex Educational Programmes.

Organisation: Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies
Contact Person:Dr Michael Bennish???Telephone:+27 35 550 7500

Description: Our mission is to undertake demographic and reproductive research in partnership with service providers and the Hlabisa community, in order to better understand the most pressing problems, with a view to finding solutions and disseminating the results to influence policy and practice throughout Africa.

Organisation: Africa Co-operative Action Trust
Contact Person:Gerald Dedekind???Telephone:+27 33 234 4223

Description: This is a Christian, Non-profit rural development NGO that enable the poor to overcome poverty through agriculture, small business, ABET, HIV/AIDS and capacity building

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