Advanced Search
Some tips on using HIVAN's AIDSDATA Database:
To search our National HIV/AIDS Database, AIDSDATA, you can search using these search criteria:
- Activities
- Funding and/or;
- Nature of Operation and/or;
- Publications and/or;
- Clients Served and/or;
- Funder Name and/or;
- Resources and/or;
- Languages
To perform a search, select your criteria from the various fields and click on the Search button.
A Further explanation of the Search Categories:
Activities - the type of services which an organisation may offer.
- Funding - this lists the type of funding an organisation may receive to run its projects and initiatives. For example, "Donations" or "Grants".
- Nature of Operation ? this lists the type of organisation that develops in response to a specific need, and gives some information on the core focus and operating principles of that organisation. For example, "Faith-Based Organisation" or "Educational".
- Publications - this lists what type of publications an organisation produces. For example, "Academic" or "Electronic".
- Clients Served ? this lists the type of client an organisation may serve. For example, "Children" or "Those infected/affected by HIV/AIDS".
- Funder Name - this lists the names of several funders who are active in the HIV/AIDS arena in South Africa and enables you to search for organisations funded by a particular funder. For example, "ABSA" or "AIDS Foundation"
- Resources - this lists the types of resources which organisations may require.
- Languages - this lists what language an organisation is able to offer services to the public in. For example, "IsiZulu" or 'English"
To add your organisation to the AIDSDATA database, please contact HIVAN?s Webmaster by clicking here
Should you require any assistance with the AIDSDATA database, please contact HIVAN?s Webmaster by clicking here