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Challenge of treatment access in Africa

Posted: ?Thursday, July 11, 2002
BARCELONA - Reposted courtesy of IRIN PlusNews, 10 July 2002

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has thrown down a challenge to the international community at the AIDS 2002 conference in Barcelona this week, calling for three million people to have access to antiretroviral (ARV) therapy by 2005.

Equity pricing of essential medicines in developing countries

Posted: ?Wednesday, July 17, 2002
Médecins Sans Frontières, Brazil 2002 Conference.

Too often in the countries where Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) works, we have been forced to watch our patients die because they cannot afford the drugs that could improve, extend, or save their lives.

Two useful booklets for caregivers

Posted: ?Wednesday, July 17, 2002
Republished courtesy of ChildrenFIRST (Vol 6 No 43)

Two new publications are available for those engaged or interested in caregiving, particularly those who have children in their care:

International Partnership Against AIDS In Africa

Posted: ?Tuesday, July 23, 2002
IPAA Weekly Bulletin No 95, 19 July 2002 - Reposted courtesy of AF-AIDS ([email protected])

The International Partnership Against AIDS in Africa (IPAA) is a coalition of actors who have chosen to work together to achieve the shared vision of significantly scaling up efforts in Africa to curtail the spread of HIV, reduce its impact and halt the further reversal of human, social and economic development. The actors of the Partnership are: African governments; co-sponsors of UNAIDS; donors; the private sector including labour, and the community sector. (See www.unaids.org/africapartnership/whatis.html)

COSATU/TAC Treatment Congress Draft Resolutions

Posted: ?Wednesday, August 07, 2002

A number of events and issues led to the decision by COSATU and the TAC to hold a National HIV/AIDS Treatment Congress. Over the last two years, conferences held by various organisations have led to resolutions calling for access to treatment to become part of a comprehensive response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa.

Reportback on first meeting in Ntshongweni, KwaZulu-Natal

Posted: ?Friday, August 16, 2002
HIVAN Community Liaison and Media teams

The HIVAN Community Liaison Team convened with community and other stakeholders in the Ntshongweni area in June this year for an information-sharing session.

Proposal-writing and fundraising: A training manual

Posted: ?Friday, August 23, 2002
Kathy Cook.SANGONeT list-serve - 22 August 2002

South Coast Foundation, a US foundation, is publishing a comprehensive manual on proposal-writing and fundraising entitled: "Proposal- writing and fundraising: A Guide for South African Non-governmental Organisations and Community-based Organisations", by Kathy Cook.

Pooling capacities against HIV/AIDS in Pietermaritzburg

Posted: ?Tuesday, August 27, 2002
Liz Clarke. Sunday Independent, 25 August 2002. Republished courtesy of Independent Newspapers (Pty) Ltd

Zanele Hlatshwayo, the Deputy Mayor of Pietermaritzburg, could well have spent her days attending meetings, making pleasant speeches and keeping the peace. This would have been easier than trying to turn the tide of HIV/AIDS, which, by conservative estimates, has infected more than 10 000 people living within a short distance of Hlatshwayo's grand brick Victorian offices.

South African National Children's Forum on HIV/AIDS - Report

Posted: ?Thursday, September 05, 2002
Sonja GieseReposted courtesy of AF-AIDS ([email protected])

The National Children's Forum on HIV/AIDS was held in Cape Town in August 2001. Ninety HIV-affected children (between the ages of seven and 18 years) participated in the event, together with 18 of their caregivers and a number of representatives from national government and Parliament. The aim of the Forum was to provide these children with the opportunity to have their voices heard and for their experiences and recommendations to inform the drafting and implementation of relevant policies and legislation.

Swazi Reed Dance new opportunity for activism

Posted: ?Tuesday, September 10, 2002
Reposted courtesy of IRIN PlusNews, 9 September 2002

The presence of 30,000 Swazi "maidens" demonstrating their allegiance to the queen-mother this year at the annual Reed Dance was an opportunity not to be missed for NGOs trying to promote messages of safe sex, HIV/AIDS and gender rights.

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