Information on future funding opportunity: AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition
Posted: ?Friday, May 17, 2002
AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition
18 May is World AIDS Vaccine Day, marking the anniversary of a 1997 address by former US President Bill Clinton challenging scientists to develop an AIDS vaccine within 10 years.
Funds for Distribution to AIDS Service Organisations: Taylor AIDS Foundation, Elizabeth (ETAF)
Posted: ?Monday, May 20, 2002
The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation (ETAF) supports (1) organisations delivering direct care and services to AIDS patients, (2) organisations that provide education to the public regarding the AIDS virus and the prevention of AIDS, and (3) organisations conducting research to develop treatments and a cure for AIDS.
Risks and opportunities in Budget 2002 HIV/AIDS funding approach
Posted: ?Wednesday, July 10, 2002
Alison Hickey - IDASA Budget Information ServiceBudgetWatch May 2002 - Republished courtesy of IDASA
The most significant development in Budget 2002 is that national government is increasing its reliance on provinces to direct and implement programmes and allocate funds for HIV/AIDS as they choose. National government is banking on the idea that provincial underspending - plaguing HIV/AIDS conditional grants up to now - will decrease if provinces are given more room and discretion with funds provided by national government. This is a gamble worth taking. To reduce the risk, Budget 2002 simultaneously addresses the problem of lack of provincial capacity by earmarking funds to strengthen provincial management.
War on AIDS: 'all cash and no action'
Posted: ?Wednesday, July 17, 2002
Patrick Leeman.Daily News, July 16 2002. Reprinted courtesy of Independent Newspapers (Pty) Ltd.
South Africa is awash with funding for HIV/AIDS prevention and care. However, lack of management capacity, national strategies in their infancy and "shaky" co-operation between Pretoria and the provinces have the potential to result in major under-spending in fighting the epidemic.
Alcohol Research Center Grants - NIAAA
Posted: ?Thursday, July 25, 2002
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) provides grant support for Alcohol Research Centers to conduct and foster interdisciplinary research on alcoholism and alcohol abuse.
Prevention of HIV/AIDS in African Uniformed Services: Geo-Centers, Inc.
Posted: ?Thursday, July 25, 2002
Geo-Centers, Inc., performing administrative services on behalf of the U.S. Naval Health Research Center (NHRC), is advertising a call for innovative proposals to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS among uniformed services personnel in sub-Saharan African nations.
A funding bonanza that will save lives
Posted: ?Thursday, August 01, 2002
Liz Clarke, Sunday Tribune 28 July 2002Republished courtesy of Independent Newspapers (Pty) Ltd
Professor Salim Abdool Karim, one of the world's most respected AIDS scientists, is understandably a very happy man. After years of underfunding and a lack of resources, he can now confidently state that scientists in South Africa are now not only willing, but also able, to undertake cutting edge research on HIV/AIDS.
William T. Grant Foundation Request for Proposals
Posted: ?Wednesday, August 07, 2002
The William T. Grant Foundation announces a grants competition to fund research that will increase our understanding of how to improve supports and opportunities for youth through effective interventions.
HIV Prevention in Treatment Settings: U.S. and International Priorities: DHHS
Posted: ?Thursday, August 08, 2002
The estimated annual number of new HIV infections in the United States has remained steady at 40,000 for nearly 10 years and HIV rates in many countries continue to rise alarmingly.
Proposal-writing and fundraising: A training manual
Posted: ?Friday, August 23, 2002
Kathy Cook.SANGONeT list-serve - 22 August 2002
South Coast Foundation, a US foundation, is publishing a comprehensive manual on proposal-writing and fundraising entitled: "Proposal- writing and fundraising: A Guide for South African Non-governmental Organisations and Community-based Organisations", by Kathy Cook.
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