Kranskop to pilot KZN Khomanani campaign
Posted: Friday, September 26, 2003
The Natal Witness.4 September 2003. Republished with kind permission.
The rural area of Kranskop in the Midlands has been selected by the national government to pilot the Khomanani Campaign in KwaZulu-Natal. The Kranskop Community Communication Action Plan (CCAP) are to communicate accurate information and positive messages about HIV and AIDS to the residents of Untunjambili.
Practical solutions to difficult problems given in new HIV/AIDS care book
Posted: Monday, October 13, 2003
Oxford University Press media release 9/9/03
Home-based care is likely to become the dominant form of AIDS treatment in South Africa. The overwhelming majority of people dealing with HIV/AIDS are doing so with extremely limited resources. It has become clear that an effective care strategy has to include instruction on dealing with the day-to-day requirements of patients without access to the latest medical supplies.
Launch of the HIVAN/Shallcross Community Forum Series
Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Thanusha Naidu.28 October 2003.
0n the 16th October 2003, The Centre for HIV/AIDS Networking (HIVAN), in association with The Shallcross Friends of the Library, launched their HIV/AIDS Community Forum Series. The aim of this Forum is to enhance networking, collaboration and information-sharing amongst various local organisations involved in HIV/AIDS activities.
Haven of Rest
Posted: Friday, November 14, 2003
Jo-Ann Du Plessis. HIVAN Sectoral Networking Team.14 November 2003.
Located amid sugar-cane plantations in Tongaat, the Haven of Rest is exactly what its name describes - a haven of rest for orphans, the elderly, people undergoing drug and alcohol rehabilitation, schoolchildren, and patients requiring treatment and palliative care.
A very special baby shower
Posted: Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Judith King.HIVAN Media Team
Members and friends of the Manning Road Methodist Church in Durban, KZN, put their heads, hands and hearts together to devise a novel way of honouring World AIDS Day 2003. They held a "Baby Shower for Mary", to which gift-givers brought toys, baby clothing and infant preparations for donation to the iThemba Lethu Transition Home and the Ekuphileni ante-natal Clinic in Cato Manor, Durban.
Fokus on AIDS - Review
Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2003
David Basckin.07 December 2003. Sunday Tribune Television Guide. Republished courtesy of Independent Newspapers (Pty) Ltd.
Andre Smith and Ida Jooste were recent finalists in the Vodacom Journalist Awards. Part of the Fokus (SABC2) team, their work has been concentrated on the AIDS epidemic. As a result of their exposure to the sufferers and victims of this disease over an extended period of time, theirs is a singular vision.
Community in action: Ottawa KZN pulls together
Posted: Friday, December 12, 2003
Andisha Maharaj. HIVAN Central Office.10 December 2003.
The Ottawa/Parkgate community, situated on KwaZulu-Natal's North Coast, is a very small one. On World AIDS Day, its residents and representatives from a range of sectors joined together to mobilise around HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support, and a small team from HIVAN participated in the first such event of its kind in the area. By all accounts, it was an exemplary day, with groups from the private sector, the arts, as well as local schools, NGOs and CBOs taking part. The guest speaker was Dr Atom Dilraj from the MRC in Durban.
Stigma and HIV Prevention: The Way Forward
Posted: Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Judith King.HIVAN Media Office
The final session of the 2003 series of WCRP-HIVAN Fora for faith-based organisations and HIV/AIDS researchers took place on 9 December, with Rabbi Michael Standfield, Professor Suzanne Leclerc-Madlala and Dr Shakira Cassim as guest speakers. Their respective presentations centred on positive approaches to dealing with the stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV/AIDS, and communicating for "Second Generation" HIV prevention measures.
Community-based approach developed for orphan care
Posted: Tuesday, February 17, 2004
IRIN PlusNews Service.13 February 2004. Republished courtesy of IRIN PlusNews.
An innovative pilot project by SOS Children's Villages Association of South Africa to provide community-based care for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS is underway in the rural community of QwaQwa, in Free State province.
Thandanani Childrens Foundation: Campaign for "Your Right"
Posted: Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Karren Y Hodgkins. 15 March 2004.Thandanani Childrens Foundation.
Thandanani Childrens Foundation is a strong advocate for childrens rights and has a full time Advocacy Officer. The current campaign, "YOUR RIGHT" encourages caretakers and young people to make the effort to obtain birth certificates and identity documents. Throughout the campaign we will be outlining how to go about obtaining these important documents and explaining the impact on ones life of not having these documents available. We are working in close cooperation with The Department of Home Affairs.
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