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University of KwaZulu-Natal - Medical Aid Benefits relating to HIV/AIDS for University of KwaZulu-Natal Medical Scheme (UKZNMS) Members

Dr Dan Krige supplied the following information about UNMS benefits:

  • There is a specific benefit, limited to R2 500 per member per year, in the Rules of the Scheme relating to treatment of beneficiaries for HIV/AIDS in the private sector, which includes Voluntary Counselling and Testing, and treatment of opportunistic infections (but not Anti Retroviral Treatment).
  • The Scheme covers 100%, if supplied in the public sector (at least 80%, if supplied by private sector clinics accredited by the Scheme) of all costs, without limit, of diagnosis, tests including CD-4 counts and viral loads, and Highly Active Anti Retroviral Therapy (HAART); Dual Anti Retroviral Therapy is NOT supported.
  • The HIV/AIDS Programme (originally) run by St Aidans Hospital (now at Parklands under NU Health), a private sector facility, has been accredited by the Scheme; all treatment, without limit, obtained as part of this Programme, qualifies for benefits, paid at the rate recommended by the managers of the Programme.
  • Co-payments by participants in the St Aidan's (now NU Health) Programme are mandatory, as it has been found by the managers that drugs freely provided are often not taken; these co-payments are determined on the basis of the participants' ability to pay, and never exceed 20% of the total cost.
  • The Scheme is committed to investigating and accrediting alternative providers of HIV/AIDS programmes both in Durban, and in Pietermaritzburg.'"

University of Natal (Now UKZN)- HIV/AIDS Plan: 2002 - 2004 (January 1, 2002).

The University of Natal has a responsibility to provide HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support programmes for its staff and students, and to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on the University. Further, as a pre-eminent academic institution in the epicentre of the HIV epidemic in South Africa, it has the additional responsibility of providing leadership in the response to HIV/AIDS, and of undertaking research to enhance and strengthen the broader societal response to HIV/AIDS. This document presents a catalytic, comprehensive, co-ordinated plan of action on HIV/AIDS for the University.

Click on the icons to download the full plan:

Occupational Injury Policy

The University of Natal aims to provide to the best of its capability an effective and efficient preventative and PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) Programme based on sound scientific principles in the event of an employee or student being exposed to infectious material suspected of having HIV and / or HBV during the course of work or study. "

During office hours, if you are exposed to bodily fluids - contact your nearest Campus Health Clinic or Matron (if you are at a hospital or clinic). After hours, if you are exposed to bodily fluids - contact your nearest Risk Management Services or Matron (if you are at a hospital or clinic).

Sexual Assault Policy

The University of Natal perceives any form of sexual assault as a serious violation, and has developed measures to assist where a sexual assault has allegedly been committed against a student or staff member. This Policy provides for the provision of emergency and prophylactic medical care and psychological treatment where an allegation of sexual assault is made to Risk Management Services. If you are sexually assaulted you need to report the incident to Risk Management Services and they will assist in getting you the medical and psychological care.

University of Natal Campus HIV/AIDS Support Unit Strategic Plan

Compiled by: Dr Suzanne Leclerc-Madlala & Kerry Frizelle

The University of Natal is located within Kwa-Zulu Natal, the province with probably the most advanced HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa. A report produced by Abt Associates (1999) on the susceptibility of the University of Natal to the impacts of HIV/AIDS produced projections which indicate a number of implications for the University of Natal. Among these, that people in almost all categories of staff and students at the University will be infected with HIV; all staff and students can expect to be affected by HIV/AIDS through infection, illness and death of colleagues, friends and family members and around 10% of all University investment in its students could be lost through unnecessary, early deaths due to AIDS.

Read the full document here...

Latex and Glove Policy for University of Natal

Latex Allergy is becoming a serious problem. At the University of Natal approximately 10% of staff working in high risk areas are affected. In view of the increasing incidence of Latex Allergy and the consequences of reaction to Latex by personnel suffering from Latex Allergy, it was deemed necessary that a policy be introduced to protect staff. A person suffering from Latex allergy is seriously compromised if they use powdered gloves or if powdered gloves are used in their work environment. Such persons are affected by Latex which is dispersed by the powder from powdered gloves and the effect is sustained by powder from Latex gloves which is circulated in semi-closed air-conditioning systems.

Read the full policy here...

University of Natal Policy & Procedure for Employees & Students = Accidental Exposure to HIV Infection

(e.g. needlestick injury, contaminated blood and body fluids etc.)

Summary of actions to be taken in the event of an HIV needlestick injury:
These actions must be taken immediately after a needlestick injury, because the aim is to ensure that antiretroviral drugs are administered within one hour!

During office hours Monday to Friday:

1. Wash the wound site with soap and water. Mucous membrane splashes must be thoroughly flushed with water.
2. Report the accident immediately to the head of school/dept/unit, as well as the campus health clinic.
3. Proceed immediately (within one hour) to the campus health clinic for administration of antiretroviral drugs, counselling and blood tests.
4. Thereafter, when required to do so, return to the campus health clinic for results of blood tests and further medical management.
5. You are advised to use condoms during sexual activity for 12 weeks from the date of the accident.

Please note that the Campus Health Clinics in Durban, Medical School & Pietermaritzburg have taken over the management of needlestick injuries. If you sustain any injuries, please see the sister at your nearest campus health clinic as soon as possible. The hotline for needlestick injuries is still in operation = 082 822 2290/91.

Read the full document here...

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