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Latex and Glove Policy for University of KwaZulu-Natal

1. Rationale:

Latex Allergy is becoming a serious problem. At the University of KwaZulu-Natal approximately 10% of staff working in high risk areas are affected. In view of the increasing incidence of Latex Allergy and the consequences of reaction to Latex by personnel suffering from Latex Allergy, it was deemed necessary that a policy be introduced to protect staff. A person suffering from Latex allergy is seriously compromised if they use powdered gloves or if powdered gloves are used in their work environment. Such persons are affected by Latex which is dispersed by the powder from powdered gloves and the effect is sustained by powder from Latex gloves which is circulated in semi-closed air-conditioning systems.

This policy has been developed to protect affected staff and to prevent the sensitizing of currently unaffected staff.

2. Policy: (approved by Council on 2 March 2001)

2. 2.1 To mitigate as far as reasonably practicable the latex rubber protein antigen in latex gloves, the University Purchasing Office shall only purchase low protein, good quality, powder-free latex gloves. The standard for the supply of these gloves shall be an antigenic protein concentrate of less than 40ug/gram glove weight as per the Leap Assay test. (This standard can be procured in South Africa for sterile and non-sterile gloves.)

2.2 Only gloves referred to in 2.1 above will be worn as required by staff working in University facilities, or property owned or controlled by the University, (and provided in the University's first aid boxes.) Other employers using University property, whose employees work in close proximity to University employees (e.g. KZNPA employees at Medical School) are required to comply with this Policy for staff working on University property or in University facilities. They must procure the stipulated gloves through their own channels of supply. (Relevant Heads of Schools and Deans to ensure compliance.)

2.3 Latex gloves shall only be worn where specifically indicated in specific working environments requiring sterile work, but not by persons suffering latex allergy.

2.4 Staff with latex allergy shall be advised in writing to wear non-latex (neoprene) gloves.

2.5 Staff suffering from latex allergy at the commencement of this policy shall be monitored once annually by the Occupational Health Nurse at the Campus Health Clinic and the costs of the monitoring tests, if any, will be borne by the applicable department/school.

2.6 Non-latex gloves must be made available for non-sterile work.

2.7 Persons affected by latex allergy must be "notified" to the Compensation Commissioner of Occupational Diseases, by the Occupational Health Nurse.

2.8 Staff with serious respiratory or systemic symptoms of latex allergy must be removed from a latex environment. In addition, prospective employees who have a medical history which includes these symptoms should not be employed in these environments if the work involves use of latex gloves.

2.9 All staff with symptoms of latex allergy must be advised in writing by their Head of School/Department/Section/Unit to wear Medic-Alert bracelets.

2.10 Expenditure incurred in the implementation of this policy will be borne by relevant schools/departments/sections and must be budgeted for annually.


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