
HIVAN/KZNCAN Media Release. 02 December 2004.
In their ongoing effort to support and strengthen community initiatives to combat the HIV/AIDS crisis in KwaZulu-Natal, the Centre for HIV/AIDS Networking (HIVAN) and the KwaZulu-Natal Church AIDS Network (KZNCAN), have collaborated to produce the 2005 edition of the HIVAN/KZNCAN Directory. The Directory provides a comprehensive reference resource for HIV/AIDS-related research, intervention and service organisations working in the province.
The Directory is a fully cross-referenced and easy-to-read guide to all organisations offering services related to caring for those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, including primary health care, shelter and orphan care, HIV/AIDS counselling, advisory services, training, education and other forms of support. It also contains a ?Useful Resources? section, listing a selection of key HIV/AIDS manuals, kits and guidelines available in the province and how to obtain them.
The HIVAN/KZNCAN HIV/AIDS Directory 2005 was launched at a World AIDS Day event (01 December 2004), held in Pietermaritzburg. Bishop Purity Malinga of the Methodist Church of South Africa was on hand to receive the first copy of this publication and praised HIVAN and KZNCAN for their meaningful contribution to the fight against HIV/AIDS. Dr Steve de Gruchy was the keynote speaker at this event and spoke on ?HIV/AIDS - a livelihood concern for the church in KwaZulu-Natal?.
The Centre for HIV/AIDS Networking (HIVAN) was established by the University of KwaZulu-Natal to provide a meeting point between the academe and society, with the aim of stimulating multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in KwaZulu-Natal, and beyond. As such, HIVAN exists as an enabling "hub" that links local individuals and organisations with one another for the ultimate purpose of addressing collectively the multiple problems associated with HIV/AIDS. The HIVAN/KZNCAN Directory is a significant manifestation of HIVAN's mission, serving to further facilitate networking between those involved at the coalface of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
The KZN Church Leaders Group and the KZN Christian Council of Churches jointly initiated the KwaZulu-Natal Church AIDS Network (KZNCAN). KZNCAN mobilises churches and Christian organizations to respond more effectively to the HIV/AIDS crisis through building networks, capacity, and advocacy framework in KwaZulu-Natal.
For further information regarding the Directory, which can be purchased for R15 a copy, please contact: HIVAN: HIVAN, Public Affairs Annex, 232 King George Avenue, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban; Tel: 031 260 3334; Fax: 031 260 2013; Email: [email protected] or KZNCAN:KZNCAN, 50 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200; Tel: 033 345 4819; Fax: 033 394 9965; Email: [email protected] |
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