
HIVAN and KZNCAN launch HIV/AIDS Directory
HIVAN Media Office. 25 March 2003.
In their ongoing effort to support and strengthen community initiatives to combat the HIV/AIDS crisis in KwaZulu-Natal, the Centre for HIV/AIDS Networking (HIVAN) and the KwaZulu-Natal Church AIDS Network (KZNCAN), have collaborated to produce the HIVAN/KZNCAN 2003 HIV/AIDS Directory.
The Directory was launched at a function held at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban on 1 April 2003. Bishop Purity Malinga, the guest speaker, stressed the importance of partnership in the face of HIV/AIDS and relayed her congratulations to both organisations in being able to put together such a comprehensive document.
With over 600 organisations listed, the Directory provides a comprehensive reference resource for HIV/AIDS-related research, intervention and service organisations working in the province.
The Directory is a fully cross-referenced and easy-to-read guide to all organisations offering services related to caring for those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, including primary health care, shelter and orphan care, HIV/AIDS counselling, advisory services, training, education and other forms of support. It also contains a ?Useful Resources? section, listing a selection of key HIV/AIDS manuals, kits and guidelines available in the province and how to obtain them.
The HIVAN/KZNCAN 2003 Directory is a significant manifestation of HIVAN's mission, serving to further facilitate networking between those working at the coalface of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. In order to minimise unnecessary duplication of resources and to strengthen unity in the face of HIV/AIDS, KZNCAN partnered with HIVAN to update a directory that was published by the KZN Church Leaders Group in 2000. The partnership between HIVAN and KZNCAN is, in itself, an example of the benefits of collaboration across sectoral borders.
The Directory retails for R20 a copy (including postage, the Directory can be sent to you for R25) and is available from both HIVAN and KZNCAN offices. To order a copy, please notify either the HIVAN or KZNCAN offices. The banking details for this project are:
Account Name: Kwazulu-Natal Christian Council
Account Number: 62034085250
Branch: Boom Street, Pietermaritzburg
Branch Code: 221325
Bank: First National Bank
For foreign organisations, the Directory retails for US$8, including postage.
For further information regarding the Directory, or to obtain a copy, please contact:
HIVAN on [email protected] or KZNCAN on [email protected] |
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Debbie Heustice (HIVAN), Stephen Bollaert (KZNCAN), Cath Jenkin (HIVAN), Thabisile Khoza (KZNCAN)