
Risk Reduction Programme for tertiary students now available
"Sex & Risk" is an innovative research-based HIV/AIDS Risk Reduction Programme developed by a team of psychologists at the University of Durban-Westville and tailored to students in the higher education sector. "Sex & Risk" begins where most other AIDS education programmes end. It assumes that most member of its target group - tertiary students - already have some knowledge and awareness of the risk of HIV/AIDS, but are unable to effectively translate this awareness into sustainable behaviour change.
"Sex & Risk" is based on ethnographic research conducted amongst tertiary students and is informed by student life experiences. The programme acknowledges that social influence (peer pressure) may have an inhibiting effect on behaviour change and that gender power relations may affect the ability of women students to negotiate safer sex practices.
"Sex & Risk" goes beyond knowledge and awareness into the realm of behaviour change. It introduces students to practical strategies and skills that can assist them in achieving the self-confidence required to engage in protective behaviour and to minimise risk. As such, "Sex & Risk" is the first manualised risk reduction programme of its kind in southern Africa. Because participatory learning models have been proven to be more effective than top-down pedagogies that foster passivity, the "Sex & Risk" programme utilises a discovery-based participatory learning model that provides the opportunity for facilitated peer education within a structured and familiar environment. It encourages the frank exchange of ideas about sex and sexuality and promotes self-efficacy in negotiating and practising safer sex. It de-emphasises proscriptive messages and highlights proactive sexual choices.
The programme includes a five-day training workshop for student facilitators, supported by a facilitator's manual, a student workbook and a set of overhead projector transparencies. Once trained, 15 facilitators will be sufficient to teach 1000 students per semester. "Sex & Risk" can be used as a stand-alone programme or integrated into existing curricula.
The authors of the programme are Inge Petersen, Anil Bhagwanjee, Steven Roche, Arvin Bhana and Sofia Joseph, all psychologists and tertiary-level teachers with a collective wealth of experience in HIV/AIDS interventions, whose work has been integrated under the auspices of UD-W's Community Mental Health Programme. They have worked in urban and rural populations, from primary to tertiary level, in educational institutions and communities across the sub-Saharan region, and have published and presented research papers locally and internationally.
For more information about the "Sex & Risk" materials, training, costs and contents list, contact Ms Sofia Joseph at:
Tel: 31 204 4545
Fax: 31 204 4611
e-mail: [email protected] |
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