
Voluntary Counselling and Testing - Request for Information
Debra Gray Reposted courtesy of AF-AIDS 2002 ([email protected])
The HIV/AIDS Research Group at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Pietermaritzburg, in collaboration with the Health Systems Trust, is currently researching voluntary counselling and testing in Africa, and conducting a national study of VCT services in South Africa. The general aim of this project is to provide an audit of the current status of VCT in South Africa such that recommendations to further inform VCT implementation at a national level can be made.
As part of this broad aim, a specific componenet of this project is the review of all literature (both published and unpublished) on VCT in Africa. This focus area will involve the identification, location and consolidation of all relevant African research and secondary sources on
VCT. It is predicted that the results of this research will provide a backdrop to this investigation, as well as providing a number of
recommendations for VCT implementation and future research directions.
We are therefore looking for information regarding any research that you know has been conducted in the area of VCT in any African country. This would include any discussion documents, review articles, policy documents or research reports that deal with the issue of VCT. In addition, the names of any key organisations that you know do research
in this area would be most welcome.
Please direct your replies to the following e-mail address:
[email protected]
For further details, contact:
Debra Gray
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg
School of Psychology
P. Bag X01 Scottsville 3209
South Africa
Tel: +27-33-260-5372 or +27-33-260-5369
Fax: +27-33-260-5809
Email:[email protected]
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