
Bergville/Winterton Okhahlamba Municipality Summary Report on Home Based Care & Other Community Networking Activities
The Bergville/Winterton area is located in the Southern Drakensberg within the Okhahlamba municipality of the uThukela Health District, KwaZulu-Natal. WorldVision South Africa is a key non-governmental organisation that is highly active in the Bergville/Winterton community through its facilitation of programmes and projects that support community responses to HIV/AIDS.
WorldVision is a large international Christian development agency serving the world's poor and displaced by providing programmes that help to save lives, bring hope and restore dignity. WorldVision's mission is ?Effecting Change; Unlocking Potential?. Examples of HIV/AIDS-related initiatives actively running in the Oklahlamba subregion include home-based care and orphan care, youth projects, income-generation projects and a Wellbeing Centre.
To assist in facilitating such initiatives, HIVAN has served as a mechanism for linking communities and community-based organisations with other organisations and individuals who can partner these communities in various ways (for example, through research, intervention, training, fundraising etc.) so as to effect meaningful responses to HIV/AIDS. HIVAN's Community Liaison Office (CLO) has played a key role in identifying these community-based initiatives in the Okhahlamba/Bergville area, with the main focus being on home-based care.
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