The November MRC KZN AIDS Forum was held at Glenmore Pastoral Centre in Durban. A registered Nurse from Sinosizo Home Based Care, presented on Models for home-based care.
Sinosizo started in 1987. It is part of the Catholic Diocese and was one of the first to start a home-based care service. They started in eighteen communities but had to downsize due to various reasons. They are now in six communities.
The communities serviced by Sinosizo are:
The Sinosizo Project comprises of four divisions:
1. Home Based Care:
? main function is initial assessment of the patient and the family
(physical, social, emotional and spiritual)
? referral of all children related to the patient to the OVC Division
(sick children remain in HBC Division)
? education and skills training to patients and primary care giver
? referral of patient to clinic or hospital for symptom management
referral to Sinosizo Nurse or social worker for assessment and
transfer to community support group
2. Training:
Learning programs are both practical and theoretical and include:
? Home-Based Care
? HIV/AIDS information
? Palliative Care
? ARV?s
? HIV/AIDS lay counselling
? Therapeutic Counselling (ARV orientated)
? Positive Living
? Peer Education
? Building resilience & psychosocial support in children
? Running support groups
3. Orphans and Vulnerable Children:
Social Workers work in conjunction with the volunteers in order to:
? Build resilience in children
? Identify and address problems
? Compile memory boxes
? provide life skills training
? ensure children attend school
? support child headed households
? run support groups
4. Antiretroviral Division:
? started February 2004
? staff consists of: doctor, professional nurse and project co-
? it is an extension of the Home-Based care division
? follows the government ART model
Lessons Learnt
With the introduction to ARV?s into the programme there was an impact on the delivery of home-based care, where the following challenges were ascertained:
? low testing rates
? non-disclosure in the home
? stigma in the community
? lack of knowledge amongst patients and community and
? patients accessing the ARV clinic for the wrong reasons.
Sinosizo Home-Based Care is funded principally by the Catholic Relief Services and Caritas Verband Germany.