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This website houses a comprehensive database of individuals and organisations working in the field of HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal. Our database is already proving to be an effective tool in networking organisations with one another and publicising responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIVAN is committed to ensuring that this database remains current and responsive to the needs of stakeholders in the province.

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46 matches found

Organisation:Early Childhood Development Programme
Contact Person:Ms Jill Sachs - Deputy???

Description: Our organisation is involved in the identification and establishment of grade R (readiness) sites as well as the funding and monitoring of these sites We also participate in practitioner and educator training; site management committee training and inter-departmental curriculum development.

Organisation:Ebenezer (Pty) Ltd
Contact Person:Dawn Schneeberger???

Description: Ebenezer (Pty) Ltd is an organisation providing a holistic approach to the treatment and counselling of HIV-positive patients. The company supplies natural immune boosting and complete nutrition products.

Organisation:Ed-Unique AIDS
Contact Person:Marlane Willians???

Description: HIV/AIDS education Materials and Training Programmes

Organisation:Edendale Hospice Association - Eugenia
Contact Person:Ms E T Khumalo???

Description: This organisation offers Home-based care (staff plus volunteers) service and training, orphan care and social grant issues, counselling, etc.

Organisation:Edendale Provincial Hospital
Contact Person:Dr L. Ramiah???

Description: Institution services include: General Medical, General Surgical, Intensive Care, Maternity, Medical Laboratory Services, Theatres, Occupational Therapy, Orthopaedic, Physiotherapy, Psychiatric, Specialist Services available, X-ray. The hospital has 1274 beds.

Organisation:Education Training and Counselling
Contact Person:Linzi Smith???

Description: Education Training and Counselling provides a comprehensive intervention against the impact of HIV in the workplace. For larger companies we offer project management for the entire programme.Please refer to our Website for a full detail of services offered: http://www.edutc.co.za

Organisation:Educational Support ServicesTrust
Contact Person:Paul Adams???

Description: ESST is a non-governmental organisation registered with the Master of the South African Supreme Court. Our mission is to provide optimal educational opportunities for all people, especially those from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds. It also specialises in the the development and implementation of community based projects.

Organisation:Ehlanzeni Clinic
Contact Person:Sister Ntombela???

Description: Our clinic used to be Hlanzeni Hospital which cared for chronics. We offer HIV/AIDS counselling and general treatment for all members of the society. We are also involved in HIV/AIDS awareness workshops. We are not visited by a doctor.

Organisation:Ehlanzeni District Municipality
Contact Person:Ndazo Mdluli???

Description: Ehlanzeni District Municipality, a category C municipality has four local municipalities in its jurisdiction namely, Thaba chweu, Mbombela, Mjindi and Nkomazi. The international trend of ?‘thinking globally and acting locally?” has translated into a growing tendency to decentralize government in general, and planning in particular. This trend also translates in to the practice of participatory planning for ordinary citizens to have a say in the real issues affecting their lives. Integrated and sustainable Development planning is the key tool for municipalities to tackle HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS is a major threat to sustainable development as it will hamper and reverse all developmental and political gains.

Organisation:Ekubungazeleni Clinic
Contact Person:Sister Vilana???

Description: Ours is a general health care clinic. The doctor visits our clinic once a month. We are not currently involved in any community projects. We also hand out milk supplies and food packages if we have any in stock.

Organisation:Ekuphileni (Umlazi L) Clinic
Contact Person:Miss Msomi???

Description: Our clinic is a health care provider and is currently involved in a clinic garden project. We are mainly growing mealies and butternut. We are also involved in experimentation in the Reproductive Health Programme.

Organisation:Ekuphumuleni Clinic
Contact Person:Sr Vantyi???

Description: Our clinic offers health counselling and treatment to all members of the community. We are sometimes able to provide beans and milk powder to those in need. We are visited by a doctor once a week.

Organisation:Ekuseni Youth Development Centre
Contact Person:Mr H T Ndebele - Nurse???

Description: Our mission is to render health care services in order to contribute to an effective health care service. HIV/AIDS services started in 1997.

Organisation:Ekuvukeni Clinic
Contact Person:Sr Bhengu???

Description: Our clinic is a general health care provider and we are involved in the cultivation of a garden at the clinic which is tended to by psychiatric and chronic patients. Money has been obtained from the Nelson Mandela Childrenīs Fund in order to build a school for disabled children to house 20-30 pupils, 6-18 years old. We are visited by a doctor every Thursday for one hour.

Organisation:ELCSA-SED HIV/AIDS Committee
Contact Person:???

Description: The ELCSA-SED HIV/AIDS Committee is a Lutheran Church committe co-ordinating all HIV/AIDS-related activities run by different Circuits in the South Eastern Diocese. It also strives towards training pastors within the Diocese in care and support for those affected and infected with HIV/AIDS. The current focus is on changing the church structures into vulnerable children's nodes of support.

Organisation:Elim Clinic
Contact Person:Sister Mtshaka???

Description: This is a health care clinic, involved in cultivating a clinic garden with the help of volunteers. We tried to raise chickens but unfortunately there wasnīt enough space and a lack of water brought that it to an end.

Organisation:EMBO Community Health Centre
Contact Person:Tholakele Ndala???

Description: The facility offers health education, counselling, referral and treatment for STD?’s. Current projects include health education on preventative measures in schools and on clinic visits and we are currently integrating activities with health workers.

Organisation:EMBO Masakhane Community Development Organisation
Contact Person:Senzeni Mkhize???

Description: We are involved in youth HIV/AIDS awareness and community development projects admininistration - co-ordination and a Sec 21 programme. Current projects include sewing, a garden, breeding and rearing poultry and pigs, and producing fruit juice.

Organisation:Embocraft Training Trust
Contact Person:Brenda Lock???

Description: We produce various crafts, including textiles, sewing, decorative painting, printing, garment-making, curtain-making, embroidery etc. Money raised from sales, go towards supporting HIV/AIDS infected and affected people and their families.

Organisation:Emkhwakhweni Clinic
Contact Person:Lindiwe Nhlangothi???

Description: Our clinic offers health care, counselling and treatment to all members of the community and are involved in the cultivation of a clinic garden. We are visited by doctor once a month.

Organisation:Empangeni Aids Centre
Contact Person:Mrs. B. N. Hlongwane???

Description: The Centre helps people with HIV/AIDS related problems.For example people are given pre and post HIV/AIDS counselling. People can also get tested of their HIV virus status. Orphans are also taken care of, awareness programme are also implemented to educate the surounding communities and aprticularly those who come to the centre.

Organisation:Emtulwa Clinic
Contact Person:Sister Ntsimbini???

Description: This is a health care clinic which offers the usual things a provincial health department clinic usually offers.

Organisation:Emunio ApS
Contact Person:Tina Norgard???

Description: Emunio ApS supplies retraction safety syringes for protection of the health care worker, the patients and the community.

Organisation:Enduduzweni Community Centre
Contact Person:O. T. Ncamu???

Description: The centre helps children who need special care. It trains them with life skills to be able to work and be employable. People, especially those with visual impairment, are employed to do craft work.

Organisation:Enhancing Care Initiative KwaZulu-Natal
Contact Person:Helen Inderjith???

Description: Multi-sectoral organisation involving the Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, the Department of Health KwaZulu-Natal and NGO/CBO groups. Our main interest is establishing a continuum of HIV/AIDS care for people living with HIV/AIDS in resource constrained settings.

Organisation:Enseleni Clinic
Contact Person:C. S. Mavundla???

Description: Enseleni clinic provides normal primary health services as provided in other community clinics. The HIV/AIDS programme includes HIV/AIDS awareness and counselling. Usual sexually transmitted deseases and TB are also treated; while referrals are done in the case of serious illnesses.

Organisation:Entabeni Community Care Centre
Contact Person:Reverend A P Chetty???

Description: The Entabeni Community Care Centre is a project of Entabeni Community Church and addresses the HIV/AIDS pandemic and poverty. It was founded by Pastor A P Chetty and Mrs J Chetty.

Organisation:Entabeni Community Care Centre
Contact Person:Reverend AP Chetty???

Description: Entabeni Community Care Centre is a project of the Entabeni Community Church and addresses the HIV/AIDS pandemic and poverty. The centre was founded by Pastor AP Chetty and Mrs J Chetty in 1999.

Organisation:Entabeni Hospital
Contact Person:Sharleen Stone???

Description: Since 1989, when Entabeni opened its first cardiac catheterisation laboratory, the hospital has upgraded and expanded its facilities and services in order to offer its patients a five-star service. Services include: medical and surgical disciplines, specialised care facilities, therapy and ancillary health care services, diagnostic facilities as well as other facilities such as a heliport and specialists' consulting rooms.

Organisation:Entokozweni HIV/AIDS Awareness & Support Project
Contact Person:Clinton Zondi???

Description: The Entokozweni HIV/AIDS Awareness & Support Project is a non-profit organisation involved in - among other things - awareness and counselling.

Organisation:Epicentre AIDS Risk Management Foundation
Contact Person:Greg Zuccarini???

Description: Epicentre AIDS Risk Management Foundation, a Section 21 non-profit organisation, was established in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa the ?“epicentre?” of the HIV/AIDS in 1999. At present, the organisation has three offices in Gauteng, Western Cape and Kwazulu Natal. Epicentre provides HIV/AIDS Workplace Programmes targeted at the private sector in developing countries. Epicentre is a recognised leader in the hands-on implementation of occupational HIV and AIDS Risk Management in Southern Africa. Epicentre provides practical workplace solutions with a range of options for implementing HIV prevention and treatment programs in support of employers, employees and the communities in which they operate. One of Epicentre?’s core skills is Project Management. Epicentre specialises in supporting large private sector organisations run macro HIV/AIDS Programmes at multiple sites.

Organisation:Epilepsy South Africa (Durban & Coastal Branch)
Contact Person:Gloria Andipatin???

Description: Welfare organisation offering social work services, with an HIV/AIDS component, to people with epilepsy and other disabilities.

Organisation:Eshibhudeni Clinic
Contact Person:Sister Mngadi???

Description: A general primary health care clinic. The doctor visits our clinic about twice a month. We are not involved in any projects but we do supply Nespray milk and soya beans to the community when we have supplies.

Organisation:Eshowe Career Centre
Contact Person:Reverend Peter Linda???

Description: The Eshowe Career Centre gives career guidance and promotes AIDS awareness to high school students.

Organisation:Esidakeni Clinic
Contact Person:Sister Ntshingila???

Description: A general clinic. We are currently involved in two main community projects. These include RWEP-Rural Women Empowerment Project. We are also in the process of starting a poultry farming project.

Organisation:Esiyembeni Clinic
Contact Person:Sister Dlamini???

Description: Our clinic offers counselling and treatment to all members of the community. We also provide food to those in need. We ae visited by a doctor once a month.

Organisation:Estcourt Hospice Association
Contact Person:Sister Maureen Aaron???

Description: Our organisation offers home-based care to the terminally ill in the greater Estcourt area. We also support the patient and family and bring AIDS awareness and home-care training to the community. Our Rural Outreach Integrated Community Home-Based Care programme started in 1999.

Organisation:Ethembeni Care Centre
Contact Person:Lana Oatway???

Description: A non-profit, community based, sub-acute care facility that caters to patients who require rehabilitation, convalescence and terminal care. The Centre specialises in immune related conditions, offers counselling, training, educational programs, home visitation.

Organisation:Ethiopian Orthodox Church - Child and Family Affairs Organisation
Contact Person:Dr Tsegaye Berhe???

Description: We are a Non-governmental organisation involved in taking care of orphans and destitute children. We are based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Organisation:Evangelical Community Development and Care
Contact Person:Rev Vusi Ndwandwe???

Description: This organisation is a Christian organisation. It is involved in training Christians in how to care for the sick, counselling and feeding schemes for HIV/AIDS affected people and orphans.

Organisation:Evangelical Seminary of Southern Africa Churches AIDS Programme
Contact Person:Benson Okyere Manu???

Description: Our work focuses on the Townships in the Pietermaritzburg area where HIV/AIDS is prevalent. With the respect and confidence that pastors have within the Black communities, pastors and congregations are targeted for HIV/AIDS education, training and empowerment, so that they will eventually initiate their own HIV/AIDS projects in their communities to help curtail the pandemic. Through this, ECAP seeks to provide holistic and interactive training for congregations in the PMB area.

Organisation:Excelsior Place of Safety
Contact Person:Mr S Mtetwa???

Description: Our mission is to run a residential facility and program of intervention which ensures the appropriate physical, behavioural and emotional development of young people who are awaiting trial. HIV/AIDS services started in 1992.

Organisation:Eye Doo Videos
Contact Person:Benjamin???

Description: Eye Doo Videos are involved in the production of low cost videos, promoting awareness and understanding in many fields. i.e. fundraising videos, educational videos, artistic interpretation pieces and anything video orientated that offers something extra to a world that is difficult to reach.

Organisation:Ezakheni 2 Clinic
Contact Person:Sister M Chamane???

Description: The doctor stopped coming to our clinic because there is a shortage of doctors in the hospitals. We are currently involved in a clinic garden project.

Organisation:Ezakheni E Clinic
Contact Person:Sister Hadebe???

Description: Our clinic provides food supplied by the Health Department and also cultivates a garden. We are visited by a doctor once every two weeks and he is usually accompanied by an AIDS counsellor. The Counsellor provides Pre and Post counselling.

Organisation:Ezimpondweni Clinic
Contact Person:Sr Motman???

Description: Our organisation is planning to start a garden at the clinic. We are sometimes able to supply food to those in need. We are visited by a doctor every Friday for the whole day.

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