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This website houses a comprehensive database of individuals and organisations working in the field of HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal. Our database is already proving to be an effective tool in networking organisations with one another and publicising responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIVAN is committed to ensuring that this database remains current and responsive to the needs of stakeholders in the province.

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41 matches found

Individual: Kaay, M???Telephone:1-519-822-4518

Description: Mr Kaay currently works in Education on HIV/AIDS in Canada and is enrolled, on a part-time basis, in a social work programme. Mr Kaay holds an interest in working in the international community with HIV-related issues.

Individual: Kabale, Omari Therese???Telephone:+

Description: Ms Kabale works in an NGO, which supports people living with HIV/AIDS, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The organisation is involved in care and support, lobbying, research and VCT. The NGO was establised in 1994 and at its Kinshasa premises, is involved in caring for 4110 clients. Other premises exist in Bukavu, Kisangani, Goma, Kindu and Likasi.

Individual: Kabange, Sanday Chongo???Telephone:+260 97 709 875

Description: Mr Kabange is a Zambian journalist and radio presenter, specialising in reporting on HIV/AIDS. He does freelance work for a private radio station, Radio Choice FM.

Individual: Kadir, Zaheeda???Telephone:+27 36 6312202

Description: Zaheeda Kadir is a dietician, who deals with community projects and primary school feeding projects. She also provides training in nutrition and breastfeeding.

Individual: Kamasondo-Mbonambi, Zett Rose???Telephone:+27 31 3613783

Description: Zett works for the National Ports Authority of South Africa, where she is the National Manager of Human Environment. Her responsibilities include health services, EAP services and she manages an HIV/AIDS in the workplace programme.

Individual: Kasirye, Hannington???Telephone:+27 11 8011418

Description: Mr Kasirye is a graduate with a degree in Social Sciences, who possesses extensive practical and theoretical knowledge of HIV/AIDS. He has vast experince in volunteer work, with Centre for the Study of AIDS at the University of Pretoria.

Individual: Kathrada, Ahmed???Telephone:+27 31 3067786

Description: Mr Kathrada provides HIV/AIDS awareness literature and education to the Islamic community. He deals mainly with the eThekweni Municipality.

Individual: Kauchali, Shuaib???Telephone:+27 31 2604352

Description: Paediatrician/ Epidemiologist Dept of Paediatrics and Child Health University of KwaZulu-Natal

Individual: Keenan, Tracy???Telephone:+27 11 6581863

Description: Miss Keenan works for Challenge Yourself, an uplifting and positively motivating HIV/AIDS awareness publication aimed at educating communities by way of three areas - Awareness, Action and Impact.

Individual: Kemper, Karen???Telephone:+27 011 609 1642

Description: Nursing sister working in a private capacity as a HIV/AIDS consultant and setting up community projects

Individual: Kenaw, Setargew???Telephone:09251 11 17873

Description: Mr Kenaw is a lecturer, a student of anthropology and a researcher at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia.

Individual: Kennard, Val???Telephone:+27 33 2606208

Description: Val Kennard is an Administration Officer at the Centre for Criminal Justice, helping people to access criminal justice system.

Individual: Kent, Sheila???Telephone:+27 33 2632817

Description: Sheila is the Chairman of the Estcourt Hospice Association. They have an HIV/AIDS outreach programme in the Wembezi area, which was previously funded by government.

Individual: Kenukpor, Reagan???Telephone:+233 91 25187

Description: Mr Kenukpor is a Public Health Officer and works as a Communicable Disease Control Officer (Epidermiologist)in Accra, Ghana.he has a personal interest in contracting operational research into perception on knowledge attitude and life style. He also works extensively on HIV/AIDS,and many other problems of public health concern.

Individual: Kerry, Claire???Telephone:+27 36 4482044

Description: Claire Kerry is the Co-Manager and coordinator of Thukela Region Child Survival project. She works in support of Monika Holst and liaises with other projects such as the Youth Programme, Well Being and Income Generation Projects.

Individual: Khalid, Aamna???Telephone:+27

Description: Ms Khalid is an NGO Professional in Islamabad.

Individual: Khan, Fiona???Telephone:+27 31 4096973

Description: Fiona Khan is an HIV/AIDS educator, counsellor, and motivational speaker who works in a number of Secondary and Tertiary Education facilities. She has been actively involved in Readathon/Read and Literacy workshops, and also runs workshops for first year Medical School students and Community leaders. She is the author of a number of childrens books on HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Khan, Samantha???Telephone:+27 31 2039050

Description: Miss Khan is employed at the Community Law and Rural Development Centre, an NGO whose mission is to contribute towards the sustainable human rights culture through many education and training programmes. Its projects are designed to promote democracy and good governance, access to justice, community capacity building, gender awareness and rural development. It runs a rural paralegal training programme through the University of Natal and trains committtees and rural committees to oversee paralegal offices in the area.

Individual: Khanyisile, Elizabeth???Telephone:+27 82 6270508

Description: Elizabeth Khanyisile is a community-based rehabilitation facilitator. She works with disabled persons, children and the elderly, and aims to empower and encourage the individuals she deals with.

Individual: Khanyisile, Janet???Telephone:+27 31 7751402

Description: Janet is a community health worker, based in Hammarsdale, Kwazulu Natal.

Individual: Khoza, Christina???Telephone:+27 12 3620041

Description: Christina Khoza works for the Tumelong Hospice, as a supervisor for the home-based care team. She is a palliative care trainer and supports her patients and their families physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually by doing home visits to those who are in need.

Individual: Khumalo, Mthembeni???Telephone:+27 21 405 2200

Description: Mr Khumalo is the National Social Research Co-ordinator for the Working for Water Programme.

Individual: Khumalo, Bongani???Telephone:+27 31 2039050

Description: Mr Khumalo is employed at the Community Law and Rural Development Centre, a local NGO whose mission is to contribute towards the sustainable human rights culture through many education and training programmes. Its projects are designed to promote democracy and good governance, access to justice, community capacity building, gender awareness and rural development. It runs a rural paralegal training programme through the University of Natal and trains committtees and rural committees to oversee paralegal offices in the area.

Individual: Khumalo, Colleen???Telephone:+27 35 5512481

Description: Mrs Khumalo is a Profesional nurse, employed at the Africa Centre. The Africa Centre is involved in research of HIV & other health related issues. She is personally involved in a study of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV. Her duties include monitoring of child growth and developement and primary health care of both mother and baby.

Individual: Khumalo, Jacqui???Telephone:+27 33 345 1857

Description: She is a senior social worker at Thandanani Children's foundation

Individual: Khuzwayo, Tholani???Telephone:

Description: Tholani Khuzwayo is a a member of the religious group, Lutheral Church, and an Educator at the Albini Girls High School.

Individual: Khuzwayo, Sbongile???Telephone:

Description: Sbongile Khuzwayo is the general assistant at the Embo clinic.

Individual: Killian, Beverley???Telephone:+27 33 2605371

Description: Mrs Killian is involved in a holistic community based programme to assist with the psychosocial needs of children affected by HIV and AIDS (CABA). There are 3 aspects to this programme: (i) Focus on adults in the community: Together with colleagues, She has written a training programme to sensitise care-givers to the psycho-social needs of children living with AIDS, (ii) Focus on the psychotherapeutic needs of CABA, and (iii) Focus on ongoing support: an on-going programme of support to community workers and children affected by HIV/AIDS .

Individual: King, Judith???Telephone:+27 31 260 2975

Description: Judith King is responsible for external and internal media production and management for the Centre, including writing for HIVAN website, HIVAN community newsletter ("Sondela"), mainstream media and NU publications, as well as editing and co-authoring academic papers and articles. She designs and develops media materials and awareness campaigns for HIVAN?’s component projects and provides general rapportage service at HIVAN and NU-based HIV/AIDS-related fora. She is presently working towards a Master's degree in Applied Ethics focusing on HIV/AIDS and the Media.

Individual: Kintu, Francis???Telephone:+27 05399-42678

Description: Mr Kintu is a researcher beginning his PhD.

Individual: Kisten, Joanne???Telephone:+27 31 2602213

Description: Joanne is a research asssistant at the University of Natal's School of Nursing. She has obtained a Bachelor of Nursing Degree and is currently doing a Masters Degree in Nursing Research.

Individual: Kitching, Gary???Telephone:+27 31 312 6020

Description: Mr Kitching is a self-employed businessman who has become both interested and frustrated at the levels of ignorance within SA's communities about health, eating habits and HIV, and the effect they are having on productivity. He has decided to be more proactive in the fight against what he feels is the greatest problem in the fight against HIV/AIDS, ignorance. He recently started a new business to effectively monitor and educate company employees and promote a better understanding of HIV and combating it.

Individual: Knight, Lynn???Telephone:+27 31 261 1013

Description: Lynn is employed at the Media in Education Trust. This organisation is involved in training and material development. They train teachers and work with parents and school governing bodies. Learn about Healthy Living - focuses on training teachers and provide them with materials to support learners who are affected or effected by HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Kocheleff, Paul???Telephone:+27 33 8973288

Description: Dr Kochleff is a Physician in charge of AIDS unit, providing primary health care to HIV/AIDS infected patients. He is based at Grey's Hospital in Pietermaritzburg.

Individual: Kritzinger, Danie???

Description: Minister in the NG Church with a passion to work with people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. Minister Kritzinger holds discussion groups around the pandemic.

Individual: Kubayi, Winnie???Telephone:+27 33 2605091

Description: Winnie is affiliated with the Center for Criminal Justice (CCJ) at the University of Natal. The community outreach programme has helped to bring justice and awareness of human rights to many communities in Kwa-Zulu Nata. The CCJ is contributing to the upliftment of many rural communities by adressing problems of community members within the institution of criminal justice.

Individual: Kumar, Suresh???Telephone:+27 31 2604297

Description: Dr Kumar works as a specialist/lecturer at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Natal. He is involved in research in the field of spinal Tuberculosis and HIV co-infection.

Individual: Kumar, Shiv???Telephone:+27

Description: Shiv Kumar is employed as a cousellor at AAG in a Delhi-based organisation and works primarily with sex-workers and within the slum community. He is involved in providing counselling and conducting training programmes.

Individual: Kumar, Harsha???Telephone:+91 80 22727809

Description: Age 44 years. A christian leader engaged in training pastors and church leaders. interested in work inthe area of HIV/AIDS - prevention amd care/support.

Individual: Kunene, Eliam???Telephone:+27 73 2274863

Description: Mr Kunene is the Chairperson of the Ntshongweni Clinic Committee.

Individual: Kweyama, Anastasia???Telephone:

Description: Mrs Kweyama is a retired matron involved in HIV/AIDS counselling and education, and a member of the Ntshongweni HIV/AIDS support group.

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