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Mr Khumalo is employed at the Community Law and Rural Development Centre, a local NGO whose mission is to contribute towards the sustainable human rights culture through many education and training programmes. Its projects are designed to promote democracy and good governance, access to justice, community capacity building, gender awareness and rural development. It runs a rural paralegal training programme through the University of Natal and trains committtees and rural committees to oversee paralegal offices in the area.

Location : Westridge
Physical Address : 12 Charles Strachan Road, Westridge
Postal Address: PO Box 30114, Mayville, 4058
Telephone: +27 31 2039050
Facsimile: +27 31 2039051
Cell: +27 82 4645184
Email: [email protected]

Clients / Service community:
Non-governmental Organisations

Title: Mr
Designation: Director
Name: Bongani?Khumalo

South Africa

KZN - Durban Metro Council (Durban, Phoenix, Umlazi, Pinetown etc)

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