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HIVAN?s community Newsletter
HIVAN?s sectoral networking brief
Forum Reports

Events Diary
Funding Opportunities

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Another year draws to a close and together, we count our blessings along with our losses to HIV/AIDS. At this time of endings and beginnings, we thank our funders, contributors, those featured in the newsletter and our many readers who pass on Sondela?s content to others. We know that you care enough to spread the news, seek more information and put your stone on the heap. It is through you and your networking, however small your action, that we can unite to overcome the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Here are some voices that have joined the Sondela family in different ways:

  • Jabulani Gumede from Ixopo is a VCT and PMTCT counsellor for the Department of Health who cares deeply about his work and the people he serves. He found a copy of Sondela on the street and wrote to us saying how much the people in his area need information and help with social problems. If you'd like to connect with him, his address is PO Box 278, IXOPO 3276 and his phone numbers are (039) 835 0345 (w) or 073 230 8245 (cell).
  • We also heard from Bheki Bhengu who runs the Greater Molweni Community Resource Centre in KZN?s Valley of 1000 Hills. This Centre has much to offer community members, including paralegal advice and a range of social service materials. Contact Bheki at (031) 776 3943 or by post to P O Box 9004, Linkhills, 3652; the e-mail address is [email protected]

We must apologise for errors that were published in previous editions of Sondela:

  • The correct telephone number for Children First is: (031) 307 3405.
  • In the July 2003 issue, the "Faith Communities Fighting HIV/AIDS" heading should have read "Imiphakati Yezinkolo Ihlangene Ngokulwa Nesifo Sengculazi" in isiZulu, and the "Gender and HIV/AIDS" heading should have read "Ubulili Nengculazi Ingabe Kungani?" in isiZulu.

Special thanks to the CINDI Network for their "Amakhambi okwelapha" (Healing plants) poster that you can pull out from the centre of Sondela and use as you like. The poster was developed by Natal University's Centre for Adult Education in Pietermaritzburg in partnership with the National Botanical Gardens and Vodacom. This poster can be downloaded here.

Finally, Sondela's gift to you for this season of goodwill and sharing is a calendar for 2004, the theme of which is "A YEAR OF HEALING". It is filled with the universal colours and symbols of health, compassion, unity, growth, balance and peace. As the months come and go, may you and your loved ones be blessed with all of these.


The Editor - SONDELA
HIVAN (Centre for HIV/AIDS Networking)
C/o Campus HIV/AIDS Support Unit, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4041
Tel: (031) 260 2975 Fax: (031) 260 2397
e-mail: [email protected]
Website: hivan.org.za



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