FAST FORWARD! Choosing to live the best of life
During July 2003, Natal University's School of Psychology in Durban ran a Holiday Club for Grade 11 learners from the Chesterville Extension High School. The programme was called "Fast Forward"and focused on giving the participants life-skills and encounters that would help them to imagine and create positive possibilities for their future.
The five-day programme was filled with both fun and learning activities, including a career workshop, personal story-telling, dance and music workshops, team adventures at the Roseland Outdoor Centre in Richmond, a tour of the campus, reading, writing, photography and interactions with inspiring role-models.
The programme was designed to guide learners into recognising the many obstacles and opportunities in their passage from childhood into adulthood, and how to live confidently in times of change and uncertainty.
The group facilitators were impressed by the warm spirits and high energy of the youngsters in their general response to the Holiday Club sessions. "There were no silly arguments or divisions between them," said one. "They sang songs on the bus, worked well together as teams, and even when the tasks were heavy, no-one complained or dropped out."
A day-long sexuality workshop enabled the learners to think about positive personal choices they could make regarding their own sexual health. The workshop covered basic facts about HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, and about the consequences of teenage pregnancy and unsafe sex. There was also open (but confidential) discussion about the psychological effects and responsibilities of being sexually active, such as respect for self and others, and practical demonstrations of male and female condom usage.
The workshops were facilitated by trained postgraduate student counsellors, who were, in turn, supervised by specialist lecturers.
A film showing an HIV-affected family being interviewed by activists Musa Njoko and Lucky Mazibuko was shown. The groups then discussed the emotional implications of HIV and AIDS for families, including love, forgiveness, support and openness, and how these can support the physical health of those infected.
HIVAN's Community Outreach Co-ordinator, Dudu Zondi, spoke to the learners about "Positive Living", explaining that after the shock and denial that goes with an HIV-positive test result, there are practical ways to remain healthy and productive for many years. "A nutritional diet, exercise, getting enough rest and reducing emotional stress are vital for strengthening the immune system," said Dudu. "And remember that the mind does affect the body; so friendship, laughter, creativity, peace, prayer, hope and dignity are all highly beneficial for health and healing."
Dudu stressed the importance of decreasing stigma around HIV and AIDS, and of Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) which, in confirming one's HIV status, enables one to make informed choices for the future. She also outlined the Peer Education Training and other advice and referral projects being conducted through the Campus HIV/AIDS Support Units at the Durban, Pietermaritzburg and Edgewood College Campuses.
When the week ended and prizes were awarded for the best essays, the learners? faces were filled with light and their smiles were full of hope. They asked for access to further life-skills workshops of this kind, and the organisers will be following up on planning for an ongoing "Fast Forward" project.