I am doing home-based care and looking after HIV-positive orphans. I know that one must be extra careful about germs and keeping clean so that the children do not pick up extra infections. What should I do if they get burns, cuts, bruises or broken skin?
Noreen Ramsden of the Children's Rights Centre offers the following advice:
HIV attacks the cells in the blood that fight infections and diseases. So, it is very important to keep the home as clean and germ-free as possible. Each child should have his or her own toothbrush and cloth or towel to use for washing. Cloths should be cleaned and dried every day - germs love damp cloths! Keep the children's fingernails clean with gentle scrubbing and try to make sure that their fingers stay out of their mouths!
If the child's skin is burnt, bruised, broken or cut, watch out for redness and swelling around the hurt, for red lines spreading up the arm or leg, and for pain under the arm or in the groin; these are signs of infection and the need for treatment. When tending to the child, first cover your own hands with gloves or plastic bags.
For burns, cool down the burnt area with cold water or ice for at least 20 minutes, then cover the burn with a clean damp cloth. DO NOT use ice if the burn is bleeding or covers a large area of the body - take the child to the clinic immediately.
For cuts, gently press a clean, folded cloth onto the wound to stop the bleeding. Tie on a bandage or use a plaster to cover the wound, then soak the bloodied bandage in Jik for some hours or overnight, or burn or bury it.
For nose-bleeds, firmly press both sides of the top of the nose, or hold any cold object, like a key, to the face or neck, to stop the bleeding. If clothing gets bloodied, soak it immediately in salt water and then in soapy water overnight.
Apply lotion or cream to cracked skin, and get treatment for insect bites and rashes that do not heal.
Babies should not sleep with a bottle of milk or juice, as this feeds germs in the mouth. Children should brush their teeth after each meal, and you should wipe babies? teeth with a soft, wet cloth.
Keep drinking water clean: if you cannot boil it for a few seconds to kill germs, put it into a clear plastic or glass bottle, keeping the lid on, and put it in the full sun all day (12 hours) to help kill germs. Prepare and store several bottles of water cleansed in this way to use on a cloudy day.
Useful Contact:
Children's Rights Centre: 480 Smith Street, Durban 4000. Tel: (031) 307 6075. Fax: (031) 307 6074. Email: [email protected]