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'Time to Talk': a new HIV information and training resource for churches and faith-based organisations

Strategies for Hope Press Release.
The Strategies for Hope Trust announces the launch of 'Time to Talk: a guide to family life in the age of AIDS'. This is the third title in the 'Called to Care' toolkit of handbooks, designed for use by churches and faith-based organisations.

"Silence about sex is harmful," say the authors. "Silence stops people from examining and changing atttitudes, beliefs and behaviours that can spread HIV infection and lead to AIDS."

'Time to Talk' is intended for use with church groups by pastors, lay preachers, religious Sisters, catechists, trainers, leaders of Christian men's and women's organisations and other lay church leaders. It is based on a series of workshops for local church leaders and their spouses, run by the Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi.

The book contains guidelines for running group activities - role plays, games, quizzes, discussions, Bible readings and other participatory exercises. These are all designed to help men and women examine the attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that can spread HIV and, if necessary, make changes in their own lives. The book also contains attractive illustrations, relevant Bible readings and basic information (in simple, non-technical language) about HIV and AIDS.

The authors of 'Time to Talk' are two church leaders with a long, in-depth experience of HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa: the Rt Rev James Tengatenga is the Anglican Bishop of Southern Malawi; the Rev Dr Anne Bayley, formerly a Professor of Medicine in Lusaka, Zambia, was one of the first women to be ordained a priest by the Church of England.

"Our Family Life workshops in Southern Malawi," the authors write, "were designed to help couples to talk openly with one another about issues related to sex, culture and the wife-husband relationship. We have found that, once the taboo about discussing these issues is broken, couples experience a sense of liberation. They become free to discuss topics which previously they would never have mentioned."

Called to Care toolkit no. 3: Time to Talk: a guide to family life in the age of AIDS (44 pages, A4 size) is published by the Strategies for Hope Trust ([email protected]) and is distributed by TALC, P.O. Box 49, St Albans AL1 5TX, U.K. Email: [email protected]. Tel.: +44 (0)1727 853869. Website: www.talcuk.org.

'Time to Talk' can also be downloaded from the Strategies for Hope website (www.stratshope.org). For further enquiries, please contact the Series Editor, Strategies for Hope, 93 Divinity Road, Oxford OX4 1LN, U.K. Email: [email protected]. Tel.: +44 (0)1865 723078. Alternatively, one can order in South Africa from: Christian Literature Fund, Private Bag X19, Oude Pont Street, Wellington 7654 (contact person: Amanda Carstens). Tel.: 021 873 6964; Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; Film Resource Unit, 2 President Street, Newtown Building, Johannesburg 2000 (contact person: David Tlokotsi). Tel.: 011-838 42 80. Email: [email protected]; Cluster Publications, P.O. Box 2400, Pietermaritzburg 3200 (contact person: Nelly Melis). Tel.: 033 3459 897. Email: [email protected].
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