Khomanani Day ? Make your pledge for life
Republished courtesy of the Department of Health, South Africa
Khomanani Day falls on the 9th October, the anniversary of the Govermnent?s Partnership Against AIDS, which was launched in 1998. The 9th of October will see a live broadcast on SABC2 , which will be the culmination of an extensive national campaign to encourage individuals, families, companies and communities to pledge themselves to take action in some tangible way, however small or large, against HIV and AIDS.
This drive, and these pledges, is not about money but about time and intention - we are requesting that the nation pledges itself to talk about HIIV and AIDS, to care for those with HIV and AIDS, to commit themselves to protecting themselves and their loved ones by getting tested, by using condoms, by investing themselves in safe sexual behaviour. Pledges will be made by mail, telephone, SMS, fax and Pick ? n Pay in-store pledge boxes in all the weeks leading up to 9th October, and we plan to highlight a large number of pledges into the culminating show. We believe that this day can be a focal point for galvanising the nation to embrace the idea that any contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference.
The Live Studio show will be hosted by a range of celebrities and will include video links to regional activities, in-studio interactive comedy performances, inserts of organisations and individuals making an active difference in their lives and the lives of orphans and vulnerable children as well as, on-going pledge updates. It will also showcase the stories of ordinary citizens, community organisations, leaders and celebrities making a difference in the fight against HIV and AIDS. The Telethon will be supported by a national campaign of publicity on radio and television and in the print and electronic media.
In one powerfully driven day of togetherness and unity of focus and intention, we are convinced that Khomanani Day can be a pivotal moment in the long campaign, marking the turn of the tide in our national efforts to resist HIV and AIDS. Working together, caring together, forming a national community of solidarity, we can make all the difference in the world.
For more information visit the website: http://www.healthinsite.net/health/HealthProfile.dll/eCareGeneral?wid=12&sh=10 |
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