
Understanding and Challenging HIV/AIDS Stigma
HIVAN's Community Responses to HIV/AIDS Project, Social Science Unit.
Many people have negative attitudes towards those who have HIV/AIDS, and their families. These attitudes ? which are called stigma - undermine HIV/AIDS care and prevention and cause great personal suffering and tragedy. The fight against HIV/AIDS and the fight against stigma have to go hand-in-hand: it is not possible to challenge one without challenging the other.
Those who most need to understand and tackle stigma sometimes have limited knowledge of what it is, how it is caused and how it can be addressed. Until this situation is reversed, the HIV/AIDS epidemic will continue to advance.
The aim of this book is to encourage individuals, groups and communities to think and talk about their own experiences of the rejection, secrecy, isolation and fear resulting from stigma, and then to develop ways to overcome it. Some anti-stigma programmes rely on the provision of information about HIV/AIDS, but on its own, this is not enough. In addition to receiving information, communities need to examine how stigma affects them in their particular contexts and what responses are possible and appropriate for their situation.
The full booklet can be downloaded on the righthand side of this page |
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