
UNIFEM Releases Gender and HIV/AIDS Electronic Library
UNIFEM Announcement. June 2005.
To promote understanding, knowledge sharing, and action on HIV/AIDS as a gender equality and human rights issue, UNIFEM, with support from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), has developed a Gender and HIV/AIDS Electronic Library to provide up-to-date information on the gender dimensions of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
The Electronic Library, in CD-ROM format, is based on UNIFEM's Gender and HIV/AIDS Web Portal and compiles resources produced by a variety of organizations working on HIV/AIDS, including cutting-edge research and studies, training resources and tools, and multimedia advocacy materials. All information can be easily searched and retrieved using a variety of criteria. The Library is intended to be a useful resource for academics, policymakers, practitioners, journalists, students and others interested in the gender dimensions of the epidemic.
In addition, resources are complemented by a unique feature called the "e-Course Builder" that allows users to create and edit a tailored electronic course or report in HTML format, drawing from the materials contained in the CD-ROM.
Topic areas included in the CD-ROM are:
- Gender Mainstreaming and HIV/AIDS
- Gender, Sexuality and Power Relations
- Gender, Human Rights and HIV/AIDS
- Prevention, Treatment and Care
- Legislation and Policy
- Adolescents and Youth
- Gender, HIVAIDS, and Conflict
- Stigma and Discrimination
- Violence Against Women and HIV/AIDS
- The Care Economy and Women's Unpaid Work
- HIV/AIDS in the Workplace
- Men and Masculinities
- People Living with HIV/AIDS
The CD-ROM includes a navigation interface as well as a variety of materials in French and Spanish.
To obtain a copy, please send a request to [email protected]. The Gender and HIV/AIDS Electronic Library will be updated in future versions. In the meantime, regularly updated information and resources can be found on the UNIFEM Gender and HIV/AIDS Web Portal, which can be accessed on the righthand side of this page.
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