
Spending on HIV/AIDS to triple in three years
Jeremy Michaels, Charles Phahlane, Makhudu Sefara and Christelle Ellis. 18 February 2004. The Star. Republished courtesy of Independent Newspapers (Pty) Ltd.
Government spending on fighting HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis is set to almost triple over the next three years to R12,3-billion.
HIV/AIDS and the state nutrition programme have already necessitated a doubling in strategic health spending since 2000/1, while this year's HIV/AIDS budget is four times higher than in 1999/2000.
HIV/AIDS spending will be R3,3-billion in the new financial year and Manuel said the response to the pandemic was now a national spending priority.
"A further R2,1-billion is allocated for the comprehensive response to HIV/AIDS, including provision for anti-retroviral treatment programmes by provinces through a conditional grant.
"Health spending will also include implementation of the new rural and scarce skills allowances, which are aimed at improving health services in remote areas and retaining highly skilled professionals within the health service."
The increase makes provision for a progressive rollout of treatment programmes, due to start this year. Funding will be mainly through conditional grants to the provinces. |
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