Sexuality research grants available for Asian scholars
05 May 2003. A posting from gender-aids. ([email protected])
The Southeast Asian Research Consortium on Gender, Sexuality and Sexual Health, with the Secretariat at the University of the Philippines and primary support from the Rockefeller Foundation, is pleased to announce a research awards program on gender, sexuality and sexual health for young scholars in Southeast Asia and the Greater Mekong Subregion.
The program offers financial grants to pursue short-term research (maximum of six months) on issues of gender and sexuality. The program will
include mentoring support, linking scholars to senior researchers in the region. There will also be support for editing, publication and
distribution of the research reports.
The research awards program is under the direction of the Southeast Asia Research Consortium on Gender, Sexuality and Sexual Health, and managed by the Social Science and Philosophy Research Foundation (SSPRF) at the
University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.
The Consortium consists of University of the Philippines (College of Social Sciences and Philosophy); Gadjah Mada University (Center for
Population and Policy Studies); University of Indonesia (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences); Hanoi Medical University (Center for Research and Training on HIV/AIDS); Mahidol University (Center for Health Policy Studies); Population Council Bangkok Office.
Financial support for the program is provided by The Rockefeller Foundation, Bangkok Regional Office with supplementary awards from The Ford Foundation.
For more information, contact:
Gender, Sexuality and Sexual Health Research Awards Program, Social Science and Philosophy Research Foundation, Benton Hall, 2nd Floor University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. Email: [email protected]
Health Action Information Network, 26 Sampaguita Avenue, Mapayapa Village II, Capitol District,
Quezon City 1127, Philippines. Email: [email protected]. Website www.hain.org
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