
HACI / WCRP Nairobi Declaration of African Religious Leaders
1. African religious Leaders call for and will establish an African Religious Leaders structure that will carry out advocacy functions on the African regional level and on the global level with government, international financial institutions, and industry to protect children and families affected by HIV/AIDS;
2. African Religious Leaders commit themselves to continue and expand the full use of human and financial resources to address the HIV/AIDS pandemic
3. African Religious Leaders urgently call for and will participate in independent monitoring and accountability mechanisms to ensure national laws and policies will protect children and families affected by HIV/AIDS
4. African Religious Leaders will develop mechanisms to guard against manipulation by governments and development partners to ensure that participation is real so that our strategic plans are fully implemented
5. African Religious Leaders immediately call for involvement of religious leaders in NEPAD to ensure that NEPAD is re designed and implemented to protect children and families affected by HIV/AIDS
6. African Religious Leaders will do research on their countries to determine what proportion of the national budget is provided for HIV/AIDS
1. African Religious Leaders call on African governments to immediately withhold debt servicing payments to the World Bank, IMF, and wealthy G8 governments and commit to using those resources to eradicate poverty and implement HIV/AIDS interventions;
2. African Religious Leaders call on African Governments to reform all policies and take urgent action to remove tariffs, streamline bureaucracy, and eradicate corruption from the drug sector to ensure that all medically eligible African have access to lifesaving triple-drug antiretroviral medications as soon as possible;
3. African Religious Leaders call for the review and reform of national laws and policies so that they conform to international frameworks to protect children and families affected by HIV/AIDS;
4. African Religious Leaders call for the holistic integration of national and traditional laws and policies to protect children and families affected by HIV/AIDS
5. African Religious Leaders immediately call on each and every African governments to fully implement the Abuja Declaration
6. African Religious Leaders call on African governments to immediately develop and implement a plan for regional production of lifesaving triple-drug antiretroviral generic medications
1. African Religious Leaders call on wealthy G8 governments to immediately provide $7-10 billion per year starting this year to stop AIDS through the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria
2. African Religious leaders call on wealthy G8 governments, the pharmaceutical industry, and the World Trade Organization to urgently review and revise their policies to ensure that all medically eligible Africans have access to lifesaving triple-drug antiretroviral medications, including generically manufactured drugs as soon as possible
3. African Religious leaders call on the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the rich G8 governments urgently and immediately cancel outstanding debt so that the African people have the opportunity to eradicate poverty and stop AIDS. |
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