Clinton & Mandela to speak at closing ceremony of International AIDS Conference
XIV International AIDS Conference press release
Former US President, Bill Clinton, and former South African President, Nelson Mandela will jointly close the XIV International AIDS Conference on 12 July 2002.
Mr Clinton, the Advisory Board Chair of the International AIDS Trust, will deliver a speech entitled "Action Against AIDS: For the Global Good". Honorary Co-Chair of the International AIDS Trust, Mr Mandela will present a speech entitled "Care, Support and Destigmatization".
The Opening Ceremony will take place on 7 July 2002. It will have a distinct Catalan flavor, and will feature a Candlelight Memorial. Performances at the Opening and Closing Ceremonies will be conducted by El Comediants, a Barcelona-based theatrical group.
From Monday, 8 July to Thursday 11 July, conference delegates will gather at Palau St Jordi for the plenary sessions. The list of speakers includes:
Irene Fernandez (Malaysia) - Jonathan Mann Memorial Lecture
Bernhard Schwartländer (World Health Organisation) - The HIV Epidemic: What is it Doing - Where is it Going?
Robert F Siliciano (United States) - Prospects for the Eradication or Long Term Control of HIV Infection
Milly Katana (Uganda) - HIV/AIDS Community Movement, Opportunities and the Way Forward
Helene D Gayle (United States) - Prevention Now!: A Vision for the Future
Lawrence Corey (United States) - HIV Preventive Vaccines: Science and Politics
Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch (United States) - From Concern to Action - Addressing HIV and Drug Use
Suniti Solomon (India) - Empowerment of Women in HIV Prevention
Michael S Saag (United States) - Current Controversies in Antiretroviral Therapy
Zackie Achmat (South Africa) - Treatment Access as a Human Right
Anthony S Fauci (United States) - Immunopathogenic Mechanisms of HIV Disease
José M Miró (Spain) - Opportunistic Infections in HIV-1 Infected Patients in the XXI Century
Paul Farmer (United States) - Introducing ARVs in Resource-poor Settings: Expected and Unexpected Challenges and Consequences
Paulo Roberto Teixeira (Brazil) - Program Implementation and Scaling-up: Barriers and Successes
Graça Machel (South Africa) - Reversing Development: HIV/AIDS Impact
Julio Frenk (Mexico) - Accountability and Responsibility beyond UNGASS
In addition to plenary sessions, a number of experts in their respective fields have been invited to address delegates. They include:
Robert Gallo (United States)
Mark Wainberg (Canada)
Rafael Nájera Morrondo (Spain)
David Cooper (Australia)
Paul Volberding (United States)
Amalio Telenti (Switzerland)
Kevin De Cock (United States)
Richard Marlink (United States)
Veriano Terto (Brazil)
Don Des Jarlais (United States)
James Curran (United States)
Jeffrey Sachs (United States)
Gro Harlem Brundtland (World Health Organization)
Juan M Suárez del Toro Rivero (Spain)
Richard Feachem (Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria)
The program has been finalised and features a total of 6 234 abstracts that have been selected for oral or poster presentation or exhibition. A total of 10 441 abstract were submitted for consideration.
To view the selected abstracts, go to www.aids2002.com/Abstract/SearchAbstractDB.asp
One of the mechanisms put into place by conference organizers to ensure lasting impact of the conference is the conference's skills building program composed of workshops dealing with a wide range of themes.
Conference organizers believe that long-term benefit to participants is paramount. The international AIDS conference provides the platform for all communities - scientific, healthcare, People Living with HIV and so on - to share their expertise and work together. The skills building program allows these same communities to learn something from one another and take this new knowledge back to their homes and put it directly into practice.
In addition, the skills building program acts as a bridge between delegates of different backgrounds. It links together the expertise of scientists, NGO's and others from diverse fields of health work by defining their know-how as "skills", balancing the importance of all of these fields in the world's effort to respond to the diverse needs created by HIV/AIDS. It also allows these different fields and professions to learn from one another. In some workshops, the audiences will be specific, same-profession audiences, and in others, the audience will be a mixture of people from different fields.
For the complete skills building program, go to http://www.aids2002.com/Workshop/TryWorkShopDetail.asp
Space within these workshops is limited and it is necessary to pre-register to attend. Conference delegates may register online for a maximum of 2 workshops. Registration opens on May 15th to June 15th, and will be conceded on a first-response basis.
The XIV International AIDS Conference will be held in Barcelona, Spain from 7 to 12 July 2002. It will attract up to 15 000 delegates from all over the world, including leading scientists and clinicians, health care workers, public health agencies, people living with AIDS, politicians, NGOs and the media.
The conference is organized by the International AIDS Society (IAS) and the Fundació Barcelona SIDA 2002. It is co-organized by the Joint United Nations Project for HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW), the Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+), the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO) and Red 2002 (a Spanish-based network of NGOs). |
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