
UDW defends campus ban on TAC, socialists
Philani Makhanya The Star, May 14 2002. Reprinted courtesy of Independent Newspapers (Pty) Ltd.
An outcry against the University of Durban-Westville ban on the Treatment Action Campaign has prompted the management to place newspaper adverts to defend its position.
The campus reacted with outrage last week to the decision by the institution's vice-chancellor, Professor Mapule Ramashala, to bar the university branch of the TAC from holding meetings on the campus without first seeking permission from the management.
The university management had also declared the Students Socialist Society, which is affiliated to the students representative council, an illegal organisation.
The Combined Staff Association also accused the management of threatening disciplinary action against any individual who dared to arrange political discussions without its prior approval.
Ramashala says in the adverts that the university has never denied the TAC a platform and that free speech is encouraged at the university.
She says the TAC is an external organisation and as such has to apply for permission to use campus facilities.
"No university in the country permits unregulated access to its campus, unauthorised use of its facilities and random public gatherings on its premises," Ramashala says.
On the banning of the Students Socialist Society, Ramashala says it is the responsibility of the students representative council to monitor the activities of student clubs and societies on campus. |
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