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Identification and Prevention of Middle Childhood Precursors of Risky Sexual Behavior: NIH

Abstract: The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of AIDS Research (OAR) invite applications proposing biobehavioral and neuroimaging studies of children ages 6 to 12 years to identify the precursors of risky sexual behavior.

Risky sexual behavior is defined for this program announcement (PA) as any sexual intercourse before the child or adolescent is cognitively, emotionally, and physically prepared for the potential consequences. The goal is to prevent early, unwanted pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, during childhood and adolescence by identifying antecedents of risk, resilience factors, and effective interventions.

The specific aims of this PA are to identify the interactions of individual characteristics (biologic, behavioral, cognitive, developmental, gender, genetic, and temperament) with environmental factors (family, peers, community, culture, school, religion, media, and socioeconomic status) during the middle childhood years that increase the likelihood that certain children will engage in risky sexual behavior; identify the characteristics (biologic, behavioral, cognitive, developmental, emotional, genetic, social, cultural, and environmental) that protect children from participation in risky sexual behavior; and develop, implement, and evaluate interventions designed for children between the ages of 6 and 12 years to promote healthy sexual development and prevent risky sexual behavior.

Principal investigators may elect to study any one or a combination of the aims stated above. This PA particularly encourages interdisciplinary approaches to research, and the design and evaluation of theory-driven, effective interventions.

Sponsor: Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Ref No: PA-02-101

Deadline: June 01, 2002; October 01, 2002; February 01, 2003

Eligibility: Academic Institution or Government or Nonprofit

Contact details:

Direct questions about NIMH scientific or research issues:

Nicolette Borek, Ph.D., program director, National Institute of Mental Health, 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 6206, MSC 9605, Bethesda, Maryland, 20892-9605
Tel: +1 (301) 443-4526 Fax: +1 (301) 443-9719
e-mail: [email protected].

Direct questions about NINR scientific or research issues:

Hilary D. Sigmon Ph.D., R.N., program director, National Institute of Nursing Research, 45 Center Drive, MSC 6300, Bethesda, Maryland, 20892-6300
Tel: +1 (301) 594-5970 Fax: +1 (301) 480-8260 Email: [email protected]

Lynne Haverkos, M.D., M.P.H., Child Development and Behavior Branch, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 6100 Executive Boulevard, Room 4B05, MSC 7510, Bethesda, Maryland, 20892-7510, USA
Tel: +1 (301) 435-6881 Fax: +1 (301) 480-0230
e-mail: [email protected]
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