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Elim Clinic


This is a health care clinic,. We are also involved in cultivating a clinic garden with the help of volunteers. We tried to raise chickens but unfortunately there was not an enough space and the scarcity of water brought that to an end.
Nature of Organisation: Counselling and Support
Health Care
Residential Facility
Age: 40
Number of people: 14
Acronym: EMC

Physical Address : Nqabeni area - near Mbusi High School , NQABENI, PORT SHEPSTONE, , KwaZulu-Natal
Postal Address: P O Box 13 , NQABENI, PORT SHEPSTONE, 4682, KwaZulu-Natal
Telephone: +27 39 543 0262
Facsimile: +27 39 543 0262
Email: [email protected]
Directions: From Izingolweni, proceed on N2, take a left turn-off to Nqabeni (Umbusi High School), proceed on that road for about 1km, take D turnoff to the left and then the clinic is along that road.

Name: Sister B N Mtshaka
Designation: Sister in Charge
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Clients: Adults
Health Care Workers
Language: IsiZulu
Setting: Rural
Area: KwaZulu-Natal
Services: Behaviour Change
Counselling - Family
Counselling - HIV/AIDS
Counselling - Rape
HIV/AIDS Programmes - General
Medical and Health Care

Resources Needed: None
Publications, Materials and Resources
Publications: No Publications
Content: None
FBO: None
Funders/Donors/Sponsors: None
How Funded: Seeking Funding

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