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Helen Joseph Hospital HIV/AIDS Clinic


We are an outpatient clinic situated in a hospital. We have weekly HIV clinics and 2 antiretroviral clinics. We do daily VCT, nurse assessment of any people with medical problems - they will then be sent off to a poly clinic with referrals.
Nature of Organisation: Counselling and Support
Health Care
Age: 12
Number of people: 23

Physical Address : Perth Road , AUCKLAND PARK, JOHANNESBURG, 2092, Gauteng
Postal Address: Private Bag X47 , AUCKLAND PARK, JOHANNESBURG, 2006, Gauteng
Telephone: +27 11 489 00 18/489 1011
Facsimile: +27 11 489 0602
Email: [email protected]
Directions: Brixton Tower is the Landmark; You need to go under Brixton Tower and travel north on Annett Road;which joins Kingsway Road; Travel west past Rand Africa till you see Perth road the hospital is on Perth road

Name: SR S Roberts
Designation: Sister in Charge
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Clients: Adults
Women and Girls
Language: English
Setting: Urban
Area: Gauteng
Services: Advisory
Anti-Retroviral (ARV) Treatment Provision
Condom Distribution
Counselling - Bereavement
Counselling - HIV/AIDS
Counselling - Other
Counselling - Professional
Medical and Health Care
Training - Counselling
Treatment - Inpatient
Treatment - Outpatient

Resources Needed: Publications, Materials and Resources
How Funded: National Government

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