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This website houses a comprehensive database of individuals and organisations working in the field of HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal. Our database is already proving to be an effective tool in networking organisations with one another and publicising responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIVAN is committed to ensuring that this database remains current and responsive to the needs of stakeholders in the province.

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19 matches found

Individual: Zambuko, Oliver???Telephone:+27 31 260 1361

Description: Currently working on the association between HIV/AIDS and fertility in South Africa

Individual: Zandu, Andrew???Telephone:039 6952305

Description: Father Zandu is involved in pastoral work and the development of people.

Individual: Zenge/ Nzimande, Bongi???Telephone:033 3458770

Description: Is a member and staff of Institute of Study of Bible - Workers Ministry

Individual: zethu, ntombizethu khuzwayo???Telephone:+2731 4007808

Description: im an individual who is infected and affected. we want to form a support group of our own but we have a problem of not knowing where to start and where to go. infact we are a group of twelve people (12).we want to help and support one another and those who are afraid to come forward or in a front about their hiv status.reson being people are afraid to go to their localsupport groups because of discrimination, but my main concern is to support each other, i still do believe nobody supporse to die of hiv aids nobody.

Individual: Zhi, Shengke???Telephone:+44 161 2754315

Description: A PhD candidate in Electronic Engineer in the University of Manchester. A Student who loves research in each aspect he is interested in.

Individual: Zithelile, Emily???Telephone:

Description: I'm a member of Sizanani Burial Club in Ntshongweni.

Individual: Zondi, Thandi???Telephone:27317851770

Description: Thandi is the secretary of the Ingomankulu Development Centre. They are running a number of developmental projects including HIV/AIDS related programmes.

Individual: Zondi, Simphiwe???Telephone:+27 31 3048383

Description: I working for reproductive health Research unit in Durban.My background is social science focusing on sexual behaviour My area of interest is men involvment on health and hiv/aids. Currently I am student at UNISA Honours degree in Sociology of health.

Individual: Zondi, Duduzile Ingrid Madudu???Telephone:+27 31 260 2132

Description: Is a full-time Community Outreach Co-ordinator for the Campus HIV/AIDS Support Unit. Works with communities in projects tailored to assist poeple living with HIV/AIDS by providing any support within the University's capacity, according to the communities' needs. Madudu works with mostly students in implementing projects in and around communiteis. She also coordinate community projects for all Unversity of Natal's campuses, PMB, Edgewood adn Medical School. Madudu can be reached via telephone @0312602511 or via E-mail: [email protected]

Individual: Zulu, Sibongile???Telephone:039 8330033

Description: Working with Izandla Zothando Centocow AIDS Project. Providing holistic home and community care to people with HIV/AIDS, their families and communities. Training a team of youth peer AIDS educators and counsellors

Individual: Zulu, Alzina???Telephone:

Description: I am involved in broadcasting about HIV/AIDS. I engage in consumer education and their rights. I am involved in a Disability Programme about HIV/AIDS, a Women?’s Programme and fight for the rights of children.

Individual: Zulu, Sipho???Telephone:035 8320001/2

Description: A professional nurse at a state hospital. He is currently working a the HBC department and is particularly interested in the HIV/AIDS programme.

Individual: Zulu, Dolly???Telephone:

Description: She is the chaiperson of the Sekusile Youth organisation. She is involved with youth activities especially those that include health awareness programmes.

Individual: Zuma, Thuli???Telephone:033 3421130

Description: Providing legal advice concerning HIV/AIDS and childrens wrights. Provides Advocacy servives regarding employment of HIV/Aids suffereres to the general public

Individual: Zuma, Sylvia???Telephone:031 7040126

Description: I am a school educator, and involved in promoting HIV/AIDS awareness and health issues.

Individual: Zuma, Busisiwe???Telephone:031 9065786

Description: I am an educator at Albini High School. I am the project leader for the HIV/AIDS campaign at the school.

Individual: Zuma, Zithelile???Telephone:

Description: I am a member of the Sizanani Burial Club in Shongweni.

Individual: Zuma, Sizakele???Telephone:031 2029520

Description: Sizakele works as a project officer at the AIDS Foundation of South Africa. She is based in the Durban office.

Individual: Zvomuya, Fidelis???Telephone:+263-4-798401/2/3

Description: Mr Zvomuya is a journalist, specialising in Health and Environmental reporting. He holds an MA in Mass Communication and is currently employed by the The Business and Weekend Tribune as Health and Environment Editor and is based in Harare, Zimbabwe. He is also a correspondent for the BBC and has extensive experience in reporting on HIV/AIDS.

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