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This website houses a comprehensive database of individuals and organisations working in the field of HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal. Our database is already proving to be an effective tool in networking organisations with one another and publicising responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIVAN is committed to ensuring that this database remains current and responsive to the needs of stakeholders in the province.

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21 matches found

Individual: Walters, Sandra Alice???Telephone:033 2606105

Description: Sister Sandra Walters is in charge of a busy clinic at the University of Natal Pietermaritzburg which serves students and staff alike. Addressing minor ailments, STD Treatment, HIV/Counselling and Testing. First Aid, Pregnancies, Injuries etc.

Individual: Wanda, Ningi???Telephone:031 9073334

Description: Professional Nurse promoting AIDS awareness, involved with condom promotion and distibution as well as being involved with various other community activities. Also provides counselling services and primary health care.

Individual: Wang, Jaang???Telephone:+886 2 8792 1375

Description: Professor Wang is a Cell Biologist, interested in the relationship between the cell and viruses. Currently concentrated on HIV assembly and inhibition mechanism studies mainly by Confocal and immuno-electron microscopy. Visit West Africa twice for HIV-1/-2 infections and viral protein localizations in vivo.

Individual: Wang, Jaang???Telephone:+886-2-2793-5826

Description: A professor in Cell Biology and working on the virus-cell interactions, mostly by immuno-electron microscopy.

Individual: Wanjiru, Caroline???Telephone:+27

Description: Caroline Wanjuru is a Kenyan citizen, passionately dedicated to fighting HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Ward, Edwina???Telephone:033 2605574

Description: Lecturer in Pastoral(practical) Theology Pastoral Care and Counselling. Also teaching courses in Church and AIDS. Counselling of PLWA. Pastoral Care OF pwa in Grey's Hospital.

Individual: Ward, Janine???Telephone:033-342 1666

Description: Qualified Social Worker, have worked in rural development for 15 years in rural Swaziland. Moved to SA in 1998 and worked for Ziphakamise as Fundraiser and Small Business Trainer. Now working at Oxfam GB in Pietermaritzburg as Executive Assistant, helping with programme design, proposal writing and reporting to donors.

Individual: Wassenaar, Doug???Telephone:033 2605373

Description: Senior Lecturer: Clinical Psychologist. Interests: Professional Issues; Eating Disorders; Suicidology; Psychopathology; Strategic Psychotherapy; Organisational Change; General Systems Theory; etc. Consults HIV/AIDS Vaccines Ethics Group (HAVEG). Also CO-PI on SARETI (South African Research Ethics Training Initiative) with Prof C B IJsselmuiden, School of Health Systems and Public Health, University of Pretoria. Also member of the Bioethics Advisory Board, Africa Centre, Mtubatuba.

Individual: Watson, Rachael???Telephone:

Description: Graduate student pursuing a Master's degree in International Development at the George Washington University in Washington DC and also a Master's degree in International Child Welfare at the University of East Anglia in Norwich England.

Individual: Wauldhausen, Anthony???Telephone:033 2605091

Description: Primarily involved with criminal justice however is involved with community outreach programmes and promoting HIV/AIDS awareness to disadvantaged communities.

Individual: Wedekind, Volker???Telephone:033 2605076

Description: Senior lecturer in a school of education at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg campus. Involved in teacher education and undergraduate, diploma and post graduate levels. Involved in a range of research projects on teachers and teacher identity.

Individual: Weightman, Sue???Telephone:039 9731723

Description: Education Officer at Scottburgh Hospice. Providing HIV/AIDS awareness and primary health care to terminally ill patients. Also involved with counselling of people/families infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Wells, Kate???Telephone:031 203 1754

Description: Kate is the leader of the Siyazama Project - which combines craft skills and HIV/Aids awareness and information to rural craftswomen from KZN.

Individual: Whiteside, Alan???Telephone:031 2602587

Description: Alan Whiteside established the Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division (HEARD) at the University of Natal and he serves as Director. His main research interest at present is the economic and development impact of HIV/AIDS. He initiated and edits the newsletter, AIDS Analysis Africa, since 1990. In 2000 he co-authored, with Clem Sunter, AIDS: The Challange for South Africa, published by Human and Rousseau/Tafelberg. He has carried out training around the world and worked in much of Africa, Ukraine and parts of Asia. His more recent publications include "AIDS in the 21st Century: Disease and Globalisation" (with Tony Barnett). Alan is an elected member of Governing Council of the International AIDS Society and a member of Governing Council of Waterford Kahlamba College.

Individual: Whyte, Louise???Telephone:+27 21 7810889

Description: Louise is the founder and managing member of Positive Care Training, a training organisation that specilises in Home-based Care Training for the sick, disavled and people living with HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Willan, Samantha???Telephone:031 2602587

Description: Ms Willan is based at HEARD as Project Manager. She has spent some time looking at the impact of HIV/AIDS on Democracy and Governance. She is currently working on a project with the Democracy in Africa Research Unit(based at UCT) which will develop a research agenda to begin both primary research and broader analysis of the impact of HIV/AIDS on Democracy and Governance. As Project Manager at HEARD, she is involved in the project design and implementation of HEARD's numerous projects looking at the socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Williams, Lynn???Telephone:033 3949086

Description: Financial Manager for Training and Resources in Early Education - PMB. Is involved in the training of Educare workers, ECD Practitioners and parents. Also helping communities with site training for committee skills.

Individual: Williams, Ann-Marie???Telephone:031 5614799

Description: Studying for a masters degree in Adult Education. Doing research into HIV/AIDS education/information is incoporated into curriculum at the University of Natal

Individual: Williams, Marlane???Telephone:+27 31 3126810

Description: Marketing Represntiative for HIV/AIDS-related educational material and Training Programmes.

Individual: Willows, Clive???Telephone:031 2605809

Description: Working with Pietermaritzburg Childrens Home caring for abandoned children or orphans who are infected/ affected by HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Woonamalay, Somiah???Telephone:+27 31 4046101

Description: Mrs Woonamalay is a trained HIV/AIDS Counsellor in Chatsworth, Durban.

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