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This website houses a comprehensive database of individuals and organisations working in the field of HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal. Our database is already proving to be an effective tool in networking organisations with one another and publicising responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIVAN is committed to ensuring that this database remains current and responsive to the needs of stakeholders in the province.

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13 matches found

Individual: van Berne, Marlijn???Telephone:031 2034700

Description: I am the MRC KZN AIDS Forum Coordinator. The MRC AIDS Forum was set up to bridge the gap between science and community. To achieve this we have developed monthly platforms (held in Durban, Pietermaritzburg and Mtunzini) for the various stakeholders involved in HIV/AIDS to discuss issues that are pertinent and relevant to the ways in which we respond to the epidemic. The Forum also sets out to improve communication and networking amongst the various stakeholders, Government, civil society, scientists and the community.

Individual: van der Riet, Mary???Telephone:033 2066163

Description: I conduct research on community mobilisation, rural contexts, sexuality and youth.

Individual: van Houten, Stephen???Telephone:+27

Description: Mr van Houten is an HIV/AIDS Specialist and Consultant.

Individual: van Jaarsveld, Danie???Telephone:+27 51 5222382

Description: Mr van Jarsveld is an HIV/AIDS consultant for the business sector.

Individual: Van Rensburg, Gisela???Telephone:012 4296514

Description: Gisela is a nurse lecturer at UNISA, she equips her students to deal with all aspects of HIV/AIDS in the work environment.

Individual: Van Rooyen, Heidi???Telephone:033 2605670

Description: Lecturer and Researcher at University of Natal Pietermaritzburg's School of Psychology. Involved in HIV/AIDS education and prevention; voluntary counselling and testing, treatment and care issues; ethical issues in research particularly the interface between community, health, service and research systems. Consults with HIV/AIDS Vaccines Ethics Group (HAVEG) and provides organisational support and capacity development primarily for NGOs and HIV/AIDS service organisations.

Individual: van Zyl, Lesley???Telephone:031 2086110

Description: General Manager of HighWay Hospice in Sherwood. The hospice provides primary health care to terminally ill patients.

Individual: Veeran, Vasintha???Telephone:031 2601216

Description: University of Natal, Durban lecturer in Social Work Department.Support counselling(groups) - once a month (Sunday) - HIV/AIDS patients. Individual counselling. Take patients to clinic - Philani clinic - KEH. Income generation project for HIV/AIDS patients and project sustsinability.

Individual: Vermaak, Kerry???Telephone:031 2034112

Description: Researcher at Development Research Africa. My specialisation is HIV/ AIDS and youth sexual behaviour.

Individual: Vinsen, Coral???Telephone:+27 315647239

Description: I am an HIV/AIDS Counsellor at the Redhill Clinic. I am also an HIV/AIDS Educator for the First-Year Medical Students at the University of Natal.

Individual: Visser, L???Telephone:031 2604341

Description: Dr L Visser's work at the Department of Opthalmology at the Nelson R. Mandela Medical School at the University of Natal on the efficacy and feasibility of treating cytomegalovirus in HIV positive patients with intracular ganciclovir has been continued in her absence by Departmental staff.

Individual: Volmink, John???Telephone:031 2602395

Description: Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Director of the Natal University Development Foundation. Donation of Funds to people who are affected/infected by HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Vorster, Patrick???Telephone:031 2084187/8

Description: Director of St Phillominas Children's Home. Involved with the educating and fostering of children/orphans who are affected/infected by HIV/AIDS.

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