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This website houses a comprehensive database of individuals and organisations working in the field of HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal. Our database is already proving to be an effective tool in networking organisations with one another and publicising responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIVAN is committed to ensuring that this database remains current and responsive to the needs of stakeholders in the province.

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31 matches found

Individual: Page, Jenny???Telephone:+27 11 8866729

Description: Jenny Page is involved in an HIV/AIDS Educational project where an HIV/AIDS course is offered to high school biology teachers. A week-long course, it aims to educate the teacher on the science of the virus and what it does to the body, the medicines and their effect, and other aspects of the pandemic, as well as providing good teaching activities for use in the classroom.

Individual: Palmi, Renato???Telephone:+27 31 261 6096

Description: Mr Palmi is a Campaign strategist and Amnesty International-trained educator, specialising in human rights advocacy and resource management. Independent Tibet analyst, founder of the Tibet Society of South Africa and South African media consultant for the Tibet government-in-exile. Committee member of the Forum for Democracy and Human Rights Education.

Individual: Paterson, Marie???Telephone:+27 33 2605431

Description: Marie Patterson is a Course co-ordinator of the Post graduate diploma in Dietetics at the University of Natal in Pietermaritzburg. Marie is involved in nutrition and also participates in the development of the nutrition guidelines for people living with HIV/AIDS, by the Department of Health.

Individual: Pather, Gita???Telephone:+27 11 832 1641

Description: Ms Pather is in an executive position within an industry and heading a workforce with a high rate of HIV/AIDS infection. On a personal level, she has have friends and family infected with the vrius and would like to know as much as possible in order to be a more effective, strategic, supportive and humane manager, family member and friend.

Individual: Pauline, Stanford???Telephone:+27 31 2603142

Description: Ms Stanford is the Manager: Research and Development at the Built Environment Support Group (BESG) at the University of Natal. The BESG is actively engaged with issues relating to HIV/AIDS as the impact of the epidemic are felt in the housing sector. BESG has embarked on a number of pilot projects for the provision on housing to AIDS orphans using government housing subsidies.

Individual: Pecora, Teddy???Telephone:+1 718 896 4111

Description: Mr Pecora is a Special Education Resource Room Teacher - K-4 in New York City. He is a Graduate student of CUNY-Queens College (MA Program) and is competing for a 2004 Fullbright Scholarship. Mr Pecora aims to undertake his programme work in Cape Town and focus on Living with HIV in elementary (primary) schools.

Individual: Peters, Eulaine???Telephone:+27 33 3865449/3868272

Description: Eulaine Peters is the Child Care Manager at St Philominas' Childrens Home and also manages the residential division.

Individual: Phakathi, Sibongiseni Elliot???Telephone:+27 31 2602731

Description: Sibongiseni Elliot Phakathi earned a B.Sc. degree in computer science and physics at University of Natal in 2001, and a BscHons in applied physics at University of Natal in 2002. He is currently researching in the areas of the Embedded DSP hardware for A/D conversion and channelization for multi-mode terminals for his MSc degree at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Individual: Philisiwe, Phyllis Majola???Telephone:+27

Description: Phyllis is a community health worker, working in and with the community of KwaMashu.

Individual: Phillip, Rubin???Telephone:+27 31 308 9302

Description: Bishop Phillip is the Anglican Bishop of Kwazulu Natal.

Individual: Phillips, Edward???Telephone:+27 11 7916140

Description: Edward Phillips is the Project Manager of Hope World Wide, in Gauteng. He is responsible for the implemetation of programmess that facilitate care, support and prevention and mobilisation in communities affected by HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Phungula, Duduzile???Telephone:+27 31 7740999

Description: Duduzile is a community health worker and involved with the Ntshongweni HIV/AIDS support group.

Individual: Picken, Pam???Telephone:+27 31 5794711

Description: Mrs Picken is theDirector of TREE in Durban. TREE is the largest Early Childhood Development (ECD) Organisation in KZN. We train pre-school teachers, parents and parentsī committees throughout KZN and adjacent Eastern Cape. We offer information on HIV/AIDS, care for HIV-positive children and help them develop psycho-social skills. We also help adults understand how children react under stress and trauma and help them identify resource and support systems in their environment.

Individual: Pierre, Anne???Telephone:+27 31 2084187/8

Description: Ms Pierre is the Educational Manager at St Philomina's childrens home. She is also involved in providing shelter and education to children.

Individual: Pillay, Saras???Telephone:+27 31 5794711

Description: Saras is the Research and Development Manager for TREE, Training and Resources in Early Education. She is involved in training pre-school teachers, parents and parents' commitees on HIV/AIDS as well as offering information on the care of HIV positive children.

Individual: Pillay, Sivalingam???Telephone:+27 31 4046264

Description: Reverend Pillay is a pastor of the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa church, based in Chatsworth, Durban.

Individual: Pillay, Veena???Telephone:0914083600664

Description: Ms Pillay is a student and researcher, qualified with a BA (Honours) in Social Anthropology and will be graduating with a Master of Arts in Lingustics in 2003.

Individual: Pillay, Kanagie???Telephone:+27 31 4061590

Description: I am involved in counselling and an awareness educator. I am also a volunteer helper.

Individual: Pohlwana, Siphiwo Spish???Telephone:+27 832000519

Description: Siphiwo Pohlwana is a Social Work graduate from the University Of Transkei, which he completed in 1999. He is currently employed by MTN in Durban, South Africa and involved in HIV/AIDS education programme for MTN. He completed a training course in HIV/Aids as a Peer/ HIV/Aids Educator in February 2002. His involvemebt in HIV/AIDS-related projects dates back to 1998 where, as a third year Social Work student, he undertook a Community Work programme. As a young man who grew up at Ngcingo Location, Bizana in the Eastern Cape, where people are more vulnerable to hiv/aids-related diseases due to poverty, it is important to work together in these communities in order to alleviate this epidemic.

Individual: Polori, Itumeleng???Telephone:+27 31 716 6818

Description: Mr Polori is an information networker and involved in health issues and other related topics.

Individual: Ponnen, Loganbal Ruby???Telephone:+27 31 5051477

Description: Ruby is a member of the Support Group based in Phoenix for women from various disadvantaged communities. She is responsible for bringing in motivational speakers to motivate in the fields of small business and she is also involved in training.

Individual: Poree, Marc???Telephone:+27 33 417 1425

Description: Marc Poree is the Manager of Shalom Childrens home. The Home houses children who may be both affected and infected by HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Porthen, Michael???Telephone:+27 31 4681883

Description: Reverend Michael Porthen is a Minister at the Church of the Nazarene in the Austerville and Merebank areas in Durban.

Individual: Portsmouth, Eileen???Telephone:+27 36 3525634

Description: Eileen is the Secretary/ Administrator at the Estcourt hospice. She is also involved in the nursing of terminally ill patients.

Individual: Poulter, Kathy???Telephone:+27 31 2086686

Description: Kathy works with street children with the aim of keeping them off the streets and out of trouble by providing love and care.

Individual: Prag, Sister???Telephone:+27 33 3879127

Description: Sister Prag liaises with psychologist interns/ trainees who are helping with counselling at Northdale Hospital.

Individual: Pravinchundra Hurkchand, Hitesh???Telephone:+27 11 358 0000

Description: Hitesh works as a research scientist at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. The nature of work involves epidemiological interventions, for infectious diseases, for the platinum and coal mining industry.

Individual: Preston-Whyte, Eleanor???Telephone:+27 31 2603195

Description: PhD (Natal 1969) - formerly Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Development) at the University of Natal, is a respected researcher in the field of Social Anthropology, with extensive experience in co-ordinating individual research projects as well as faculty and central academic research structures. Over the years, she has served on numerous national and international research and funding bodies, resulting in the development of a wide network of colleagues and partners. She has been instrumental in advancing the cause of multidisciplinary research, as well as in the promotion of new methodologies and modes of research enquiry and evaluation. She has worked extensively across the Social and Behavioural Sciences and actively sought collaboration with biomedical colleagues in the pursuit of problems for which integrated medical and social solutions are necessary, HIV/AIDS now being foremost among such challenges.

Individual: Prozesky, Martin???Telephone:+27 33 2605838

Description: Professor Prozeky teaches a 3-week module on HIV/AIDS and Ethics as part of Ethics Studies 121 course at the University of Natal. He is also a consultant to HIV/AIDS Vaccine Ethics Group.

Individual: Purity Ngcobo, Thulisile???Telephone:+27 31 906 5368

Description: Thulisile is interested in helping and working with the affected and infected people to learn more about HIV/AIDS palliative care.

Individual: Purshotam, Rangit Jammdas???Telephone:+27 31 3017572

Description: Mr Purshotam is employed by Legal Resources Centre (Durban) and focused mainly on poverty alleviation and unemployment in the general community.

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