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This website houses a comprehensive database of individuals and organisations working in the field of HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal. Our database is already proving to be an effective tool in networking organisations with one another and publicising responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIVAN is committed to ensuring that this database remains current and responsive to the needs of stakeholders in the province.

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15 matches found

Individual: Jaca, Maureen Nokuthula???Telephone:+27 35 9017036

Description: Maureen Jaca is a Nurse Educator specialising in community health nursing science.

Individual: James, Angela???Telephone:+27 31 2603438

Description: Miss James teaches at the University of Natal on the ACE Programme - HIV/AIDS is an issue that is addressed and workshopped; teaches ideas and knowledge about it is accessed. All this is used to develop the course further.

Individual: Jayakar, TM???Telephone:0091 40 27402802

Description: Mr Jayakar has 8 years experience in community outreach programmes, with a specific focus on networking, programme appraisals, monitoring and evaluation in target interventions.

Individual: Jenkin, Catherine???Telephone:+27 31 2602976

Description: Catherine Jenkin is the Webmaster and Database Administrator for HIVAN (Centre for HIV/AIDS Networking), as part of the Media Office (Communications, Arts and Advocacy Unit). Her role as a member of the HIVAN team is to populate and update the website, act as Webmaster of the site and administer the HIVAN database. She is also involved in marketing the HIVAN website and database.

Individual: Jenkin, Fred???Telephone:+27 31 4625659

Description: Mr Jenkin is a law researcher, editor and publisher at Metis Publications. He specialises in Educational, Employment and Land Law with a further view to exploring legislation relating to HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Jennifer, Glama???Telephone:+27 31 707 1395

Description: Jennifer is an HIV/AIDS trained peer educator and counselor. She works voluntary at the Gugulethu Youth Club.

Individual: Jewitt, Liesl???Telephone:+27 33 3431545

Description: Liesl Jewitt is a Co-ordinator, involved in Field work. She represents organisations at meetings, awareness of child bereavement and runs training programmes in play skill in order to help bereaved children.

Individual: Johns, Gerry???Telephone:+27414663412

Description: Involved with aids orphan feeding programme and aids mission to assist families affected by aids.

Individual: Johnston, Jim???Telephone:+27 33 3941679

Description: Jim Johnston is on the governing committee of ECAP, a eing of theological Evangelical Seminary of Southern Africa. ECAP works among the churches in the area setting up projects thourgh the churches in respect of training of home based care, recruiting churches to get involved. He is also involved in Bergville, Ladysmith area in training for home based care.

Individual: Johnstone, Justine???Telephone:+27

Description: I run the KZNAIDSLINK website for non-profit organisations involved in HIV/AIDS work of all kinds. I am also an academic researching information, knowledge and use of technology in AIDS, particularly in the NGO and policy sectors. I welcome contact with anyone who has similar interests.

Individual: Jones, Sean???Telephone:

Description: Professor Sean Jones - (Hons) MA (UCT) PhD (Cantab) - is a former Assistant Dean in the Faculty of Community and Development Disciplines and is currently associated with the Natal University Development Foundation (NUDF). A social anthropologist by training, he is particularly interested in issues relating to childhood, youth, and the family. He is the author of Assaulting Childhood: Children's Experiences of Migrancy and Hostel Life in South Africa (Witwatersrand University Press), and is currently working on a second book which deals with co-operative households and child-rearing arrangements among single women in the Eastern Cape. In recent years his work has moved into the field of institutional development in the tertiary education sector, with a particular focus on university-community engagement and its application in the field of HIV/AIDS research, prevention, and care.

Individual: Jones, Dedeh???Telephone:

Description: Dedeh Jones is currently a student at the Unversity of Natal, pursuing her Masters in Community Nursing.

Individual: Jongste, Benno???Telephone:+27 21 532 3166

Description: Mr Jongste is a member of a missionary family from Holland that is helping to fight the battle against HIV/AIDS in Cape Town. Their vision is to estalish or helping to create a complete Home Based Care Program with Education; Training; Foster Care and Multiplication. They have extensive experience in the field of HIV/AIDS-related work.

Individual: Joshua, Patti???Telephone:+ 27 35 4744369

Description: Mrs Joshua Patti is a member of the Regional Executive Committee of the KwaZulu-Natal Community Based Organisation.

Individual: Joubert, Robin???Telephone:+27 31 2044953

Description: Ms Joubert is a Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy at UDW. She is currently very concerned about the large numbers of people living with HIV/AIDS passing through occupational therapy departments and is trying to establish more composite picture of the role of Occupational Therapy within the context of the epidemic.

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