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This website houses a comprehensive database of individuals and organisations working in the field of HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal. Our database is already proving to be an effective tool in networking organisations with one another and publicising responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIVAN is committed to ensuring that this database remains current and responsive to the needs of stakeholders in the province.

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34 matches found

Individual: Haddad, Beverley???Telephone:+27 33 3420052

Description: Beverley Haddad is an active gender activist.

Individual: Hadebe, Thulani???Telephone:+27 36 4481279

Description: Thulani is the Leader of the UThukela District Child Survival Project Youth Project. His main aim is to transfer to the youth the leadership skills so the youth could be empowered to take responsibility for their behaviour in the face of HIV/AIDS epidemic. This is intended to develop the youth to participate in constructive community activities.

Individual: Hadebe, Juliet???Telephone:

Description: Julie Hadebe is a craftworker, involved in community service.

Individual: Hadingham, Jacqui???Telephone:+27

Description: Ms Hadington is a recently graduated microbiologist with an MSc (Applied Biology), focussing on Immunology. She is based in Durban, having recently returned from London where she completed her studies at London University.

Individual: Hampton, Jane???Telephone:+27 31 2685718

Description: Dr Hampton is 1 of 3 doctors working at Sinikithemba,Christian Care Centre at McCords Hospital, offering general Medical care for HIV positive people including treatment of acute problems, prophylaxis against opportunistic infections, referals for specialized treatment as necessary, and treatment with antiretroviral medication for those who can afford it. She works in partnership with nursing sisters,social workers, counsellors, and pastors offering holistic care.

Individual: Harber, Rodney???Telephone:+27 31 2601190

Description: Professor Harber is an architect, urban and regional planner. His interests include appropriate building and services especially sewerage disposal and stabilised earth, rural development, community building and the impact of HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Harilal, Shanta???Telephone:+27 31 2084187/8

Description: Shanta is a Social Worker for St Philominas Childrens Home, an institute involved with fostering and educating abandoned children who are either affected or infected by HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Harwood, Timothy???Telephone:+202 3368744

Description: Mr Harwood is a press officer for the United States government agency in Washington, D.C, which enables American companies to invest in developing countries. Timothy spent two years teaching high school English in KwaNgwanase in northern Zululand.

Individual: Haskins, Benjamin???Telephone:+27 21 4481500

Description: Mr Haskins is a videographer working under the name Eye Doo Videos, and is involved in the production of videos for organisations and individuals who wish to promote and market their work to funders, educators and learners alike. Eye Doo Videos' work aims to promote social awareness and a better understanding of all cultures and lifestyles. Mr Haskins was recently involved in the production of a video of the "Amagama Amatatu" theatrical performance piece.

Individual: Hausmann, Claudia???Telephone:+27 11 4026400

Description: Sister Hausmann co-ordinate the HIV/AIDS related work done by Catholic parishes in the Johannesburg Diocese. Her work also involves procuring/mediating funding; informing parishes regarding HIV/AIDS issues and liaising with all ministries and Diocesan departments.

Individual: Haynes, Ross???Telephone:+27 33 342 4750

Description: Mr Haynes is a member of the KZN Collaborative Group and a researcher, at Health Systems Trust (health decentralisation).

Individual: Hedden, Sue???Telephone:+27 39 8340023

Description: Project Co-ordinator with the Woza Moya Project

Individual: Heizel, Thandi???Telephone:+27 31 7711341

Description: Thandi helps members of the community by providing them with information and advice regarding social assistance grants.

Individual: Hemmens, Robyn???Telephone:+27 31 303 1058

Description: Robyn is the Director for the homeless children of Youth for Christ. Robyn aims to bring hope to young people from disadvantaged communities by providing developmental opportunities for the whole person.

Individual: Hendricks, Fatima???Telephone:+27 570 3056

Description: Occupational Therapist and market research employed at multi-national FMCG with qualifications of B.Occupational Therapy and MBA. Currently pusuing Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy - HIV/AIDS amongst people with disabilities.

Individual: Henningsen, Rachel???Telephone:+971 4 398 2959

Description: Miss Henningsen is a registered Paediatric Nurse, based in Australia. A passionate person, she aims to work within developing countries to alleviate human suffering and protect human life. She previously worked in Kenya (Western area - Nyanza Province)as a voluteer registered community paediatric nurse working in health clinics and an orphanage.

Individual: Herbst, Alida???Telephone:+27 12 4400299

Description: Dr Herbst is a Medical social worker, who recently completed a Ph.D. thesis with the title: "Life maps as technqiue in a social group work programme fro young adults with HIV/AIDS". Dr Herbst focusses on helping individuals to find meaning in their lives - even when they have to deal with a tragic illnes like HIV/AIDS. The focus of the programme is to support PLWA to find hope and to live positively with the disease. Currently working as social worker in the Curamed Pretoria Heart Hospital, which forms part of the MediClinic group of hospitals

Individual: Heustice, Deborah???Telephone:+27 31 2685811

Description: Debbie Heustice obtained her B SocSci degree in 1991, and completed a PG Diploma in Industrial Relations at the University of Natal 1992. She worked in a variety of support roles at the University of Natal in Durban after graduating, and for six years held the position of Personal Assistant to the University's Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Development. These activities have honed her skills in the planning and organisation of both executive and research commitments, and in the administration of the financial and staffing aspects of research and development programmes. Debbie is thoroughly familiar with the demands of co-ordinating both local and international research, liaising closely with the academic, government and the private sectors, as well as funding and community development agencies. Reporting to the Directors, Debbie monitors the overall progress of HIVAN and is responsible for financial, staffing and administrative management.

Individual: Hildyard, Paul???Telephone:+27 33 2605503

Description: Mr Hildyard is a horticultural technician based at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg. He takes care of all the propagating, cleaning, student instruction and on hand courses for the horticultural students.

Individual: Hinton, Karen???Telephone:+27 31 2086110

Description: Karen is the Education Manager at Highway Hospice. She provides education to public on HIV/AIDS and is also involved with treatment of terminally ill patients.

Individual: Hlazo, Jabu???Telephone:+27 31 5646239

Description: Mrs Hlazo is the founder of a faith-based abstinence project operating in the Ethekwini minicipality area called the Turning the Tide Ladies' Club (TTLC). The project targets young girls from age 10 upwards, and focusses on ensuring abstinence. The project is fairly new and reaches out to schools to promote sexual abstinence based on character building and moral regeneration.

Individual: Hlengiwe, Pretty???Telephone:+27 31 7720911

Description: Pretty is a community health worker, based in Hammarsdale, Kwazulu-Natal.

Individual: Hlengiwe, Purity???Telephone:+27 31 7711341

Description: Purity is a social worker, working and aiding people in need.

Individual: Hlengwa, Gugu Gladness???Telephone:+27 31 2604489

Description: Gugu is a student of the University of Natal Medical School, based in the Department of Peadiatrics and Child Health.

Individual: Hlongwane, Pat???Telephone:+27 31 3613711

Description: Pat is the National HIV/AIDS Co-Ordinator and Educator at the National Ports Authority, Durban. His target audience includes people living with HIV/AIDS, and educating people in the workplace, churches and at schools. He also volunteers at Ark Christian Ministry Church providing home-based care, awareness training, counselling and support to destitute people.

Individual: Hlongwane, Jane???Telephone:+27 31 7171000

Description: Jane is a missionary sister, a trained Pastoral counsellor and VCT counsellor.

Individual: Hlophe, Nonhlanhla???Telephone:+27 84 7800268

Description: Nonhlanhla Hloppe advise members of the community about HIV/AIDS and disseminate information regarding the prevention of transmission of the virus.

Individual: Holst, Monika???Telephone:+27 36 4482044

Description: Monika Holst is the Thukela Region Child Survival Project coordinator,a programme run by WorldVision International. She also coordinates the Youth, Well Being and the Home Based Care programmes.

Individual: Hoosen, Suhaima???Telephone:+27 31 2097838/7

Description: Suhaima Hoosen is a lecturer in Social work at the University of Durban-Westville. She has lectured in specialist areas such as HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, community development. She is currently involved in part-time lecturing at the University of Durban-Westville and Chairperson and programme manager/trainer for HIV/AIDS and other related social issues in the rural and urban communities of KZN at the IMA House of Light KZN.

Individual: Houston, Bill???Telephone:+27 33 3941679

Description: Bill Houston is affiliated with the Evangelical Seminary of Southern African Churches AIDS Programme. He provides AIDS education to local churches in a seven modules. The course is taught mainly in isiZulu.

Individual: Howard, John???Telephone:+27 33 3422526

Description: Mr Howard is the General Manager of the Pietermaritzburg Children's Home. The home rovides residential care, management and treatment of troubled and abused children removed from their homes and placed in the above mentioned institutions custody by recognised legal procedures.

Individual: Howlett, Elizabeth???Telephone:+27 39 9731723

Description: Elizabeth forms part of the Lighthouse Hospice Association, which helps patients who are terminally ill.

Individual: Hugar, Vijaykumar???Telephone:

Description: Mr Hugar is employed as a Co- ordinator for an HIV/AIDS Programme in Karnataka,India.

Individual: Hurkchand, Hitesh???Telephone:+27 31 203 4700

Description: Mr Hurkchand is a Junior Scientist and is pursuing a Masters Degree through the Medical Research Council, HIV Prevention and Research Unit. The research focus of the unit is microbicide research in clinical trials. Mr Hurkchand's work deals primarily with Project Co-ordination, Data management and Analysis.

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