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This website houses a comprehensive database of individuals and organisations working in the field of HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal. Our database is already proving to be an effective tool in networking organisations with one another and publicising responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIVAN is committed to ensuring that this database remains current and responsive to the needs of stakeholders in the province.

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32 matches found

Individual: Gabada, Noncedo???Telephone:+27 47 502 2330

Description: Noncedo is employed by the University of Transkei since 1995. She is very interested in both gender and HIV/AIDS issues. As a result she teaches gender, HIV/AIDS and Health to Gender Studies Honours students. She also volunteer works at the Campus Health Clinic as a lay counsellor where she assists with pre- and post-test counselling. She has been awarded a scholarship by the Ford Foundation to study a Masters of Public Health in the UK.

Individual: Gabela, Bandile???Telephone:+27

Description: Mr Gabela is a BCom (Accounting) student at the University of Natal, Pietermartizburg, with an interest in and concern about the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Individual: Gaede, Bernhard???Telephone:+27 36 4881570

Description: Dr Gaede is involved in the overall management of the hospital in which I work, including clinical management, finance, systems, human resources etc.

Individual: Gahagan, Jacqueline???Telephone:+011 902 494 1155

Description: Dr. Gahagan has been working in the area of HIV/AIDS community based research since 1989. Her research includes studies on women in national prisons and access to HIV and hepatitis C prevention, care, treatment and support; living with HIV in Y2K; HIV counselling and testing among pregnant women; gender-based analyses of national AIDS policies; and the HIV prevention education needs of young males. She is a member of the National Ministerial Council on HIV/AIDS, the Nova Scotia Advisory Commission on AIDS, and the Canadian Association for HIV Research. Jacqueline is currently working with the Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health on the development of the program of research associated with the International Institute on Gender and HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Garner, Rob???Telephone:+27 33 3452970

Description: Dr Garner is the AIDS Co-ordinator at Youth for Christ in Pietermaritzburg.

Individual: Gasche, Jurgen???Telephone:+27 0437029212

Description: Jurgen Gasche is a lecturer at the Border Technikon, currently researching a model unique to owners of SMME'S and its employees in the hospitality sector. The model will include education and prevention of HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Gashe, Jurgen???Telephone:+27 43 7029212

Description: Mr Gasche is the Programme Co-ordinator for the Hospitality Management Programme at Border Technikons Centre of Excellence in Leisure and Tourism (CELT). He has co-authored a text book specific for the South African tourism education sector. He has presented "An Exploration into Human Resources Management of HIV/Aids in the Small to Medium Hospitality Industry of Buffalo City" a research paper understanding the impact of HIV/Aids in the hospitality sector, at the 10th biannual Community Health conference in Johannesburg in 2003. As part of the CELT research unit, he has in 2003 complete a paper on "The management of HIV/AIDS among Tertiary institutions in the Eastern Cape Province". In addition, he started work on "The design, implementation and evaluation of an HIV risk reduction programme among staff members at Border Technikon". He is a dedicated HIV/Aids peer programme facilitator.

Individual: Gates, Ann???Telephone:+27 35 7724910

Description: General Manager of the Zululand Hospice providing health care and counselling to terminally ill patients in and around the Zululand area.

Individual: George, Gavin???Telephone:+27 31 2601476

Description: Gavin George joined Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division in 2000 at University of Natal. He works with both large private companies and micro enterprises to assess the impact of HIV/AIDS on their operations.He is currently heading a project involving the Durban Chamber of Commerce Industry loooking at the best practises within large companies,small, medium and micro enterprises. Its a project that highlights areas in which both large companies and SMMES are able to forge relationship to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS in the workplace. He also formed part of the international research team that looked at the market impact of a large multinational company.

Individual: Gerner, Marlene???Telephone:+27 12 352 4254

Description: Marlene Gerner is the project manager at the Unit for Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS and Health at Vista University.

Individual: Gilles, Ute???Telephone:+27 82 8062949

Description: Ms Gilles works for a rural development network in Pietermaritzburg, MIDNET, She is keen to link MIDNET's work in rural areas with HIV/AIDS because it is still seen as a health problem in our organisation.

Individual: Gilson, Heather???Telephone:09 403-264-6822

Description: Mis Gilson is a socially responsible artist currently working on paintings of african women/children. She also make flameworked glass beads and jewellery. She is a Canadian American currently residing between Calgary Alberta and Detroit Michigan.

Individual: Goba, Jabulani???Telephone:+27 31 7171024

Description: He is the Liaison officer responsible for networking the organisation with the communities and all other stake holders in the field of HIV/AIDS. The communities that are involved are Klaarwater, Luganda, St. Wendolins, Desai, Coffie Farm, Zwelibomvu, Dasenhoek, Mphola, Marianridge, Thornwood, Tshelimnyama, Mangangeni, Kwandengezi, St. Xaviers.

Individual: Gongwana, Bongiwe???Telephone:+27

Description: Bongiwe is an individual care-giver making a difference, one person at a time. She is involved in informal home-based care and taking the sick to hospitals for outpatient treatments.

Individual: Gordhan, Husheila???Telephone:+27 31 2099569

Description: Mrs Gordhan is a committed member of her community, who aims to help those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Gouws, Zelda???Telephone:+27 31 3613711

Description: Zelda work at National Ports Authority (NPA) as a Senior Secretary. She's involved in HIV/AIDS Management at the workplace, awareness, Condom distribution, Home Based Care Training, and done her Peer Education training. She's involved in most of NPA's HIV/AIDS projects and take to heart infected and affected employees.

Individual: Govender, Indiran???Telephone:+27 32 552 3762

Description: Dr Govender is a Practising Medical Practitioner in Kwa-Dukuza Stanger, KZN

Individual: Govender, Mohini???Telephone:+27 32 541 0323

Description: Mohini is a community physiotherapist.

Individual: Govender, Vela???Telephone:+27 31 2073223

Description: Vela provides care for sixty children which come from a socially disadvantaged back ground. She does casework with children and supervises the child care workers. Recruitment of families for children who have been abandoned in relation to host families and foster families. A small number of children are infected with HIV/AIDS.

Individual: Govender, Sumen???Telephone:+27 31 2604432

Description: Mr Govender is the the project manager of HIV trials at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Natal, Durban

Individual: Gow, Jeffrey???Telephone:+27 31 2602587

Description: Jeffrey manages the Health Economic and HIV/AIDS Research Division, supervising staff and postgraduate students, teaching postgraduate course in Economics and Health. University of Natal

Individual: Grant, Callie???Telephone:+27 33 2606185

Description: Ms Grant is a Lecturer at the School of Education at the University of Natal (Pietermaritzburg Campus).

Individual: Gray, Debra???Telephone:+27 33 2605372

Description: Debra Gray is a member in a research team which investigates voluntary counselling and testing services in relation to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. University of Natal

Individual: Green, Maryann???Telephone:+27 31 2605271

Description: Dr Maryann Green is giving talks and training to teachers and teenagers regarding Home Based Care of AIDS patients, HIV attitudes and prevention. She is also involved in discussion sessions with post graduate students. External examiner of theses on AIDS.

Individual: Griesel, Raoul???Telephone:+27 31 2605671

Description: Co-director in the following: Research Unit for the study of child development in South Africa; Philane Centre for psychological research and practice (including the Child and Family Centre); National Research Foundation (NRF) Unit for Child Development Research Health Systems Trust (HST). Based at the University of Natal.

Individual: Groenhof, Miriam???Telephone:+27

Description: Student

Individual: Gua, Josephine???Telephone:

Description: Working with Africare/Nigeria as th Project Associate on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Impact Mitigation Project. Engaged in spreading the message of HIV/AIDS to in and out of school youths.

Individual: Gumede, Nat???Telephone:+27

Description: Mr Gumede would like to become further involved in HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns.

Individual: Gumede, Mzo???Telephone:+27 73 1784795

Description: Mzo is the Embo Masakhane Youth Development Organisation Chairperson, which is based at Esimahlani - Emgangeni.

Individual: Gumede, Mkhonzeni???Telephone:+27 31 2601568

Description: Mr Gumede is the Project Manager for Drama AIDS Education, based at the University of Natal in Durban. Mr Gumede is managing HIV/AIDS Education project in schools and communities. He works with educators,learners, youth and care givers.

Individual: Guy, Karen???Telephone:+27 31 2029520

Description: Karen is a Senior Administrator at the AIDS Foundation of S.A.

Individual: Gwamagobe, Carlos???Telephone:+255 0748 633 499

Description: Mr Gwamagobe is the exective secretary of a youth group involved in HIV/AIDS-related work.

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