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This website houses a comprehensive database of individuals and organisations working in the field of HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal. Our database is already proving to be an effective tool in networking organisations with one another and publicising responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIVAN is committed to ensuring that this database remains current and responsive to the needs of stakeholders in the province.

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45 matches found

Individual: Bachmann, Regina???Telephone:+27 31 7171000

Description: Regina Bachmann is a missionary sister of the Precious Blood, involved in HIV/AIDS counselling and the treatment of patients.

Individual: Badcock-Walters, Peter???Telephone:+27 31 2602592

Description: Peter Badcock-Walters is a Research Associate who works with the Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division (HEARD) at the University of Natal.

Individual: Bagirathi, Julie Emmanuel???Telephone:+27 31 5785958

Description: I am a Lay counsellor to those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. As the founder of the Newlands HIV Support Group, I offer encouragement and food and clothing, where possible. I do have volunteers who are willing to assist in any way they can. We have produced a booklet on the basics on HIV/AIDS and distribute these to those in need of information.

Individual: Bangaza, Stanley???Telephone:+27 514058889

Description: Stanley is an HIV/AIDS co-ordinator who is very passionate about the infected and affected.

Individual: Bangdome, Anthony Padua???Telephone:

Description: Mr Bangdome is a postgraduate architecture student who is interested in looking into new ways of tackling architectural designs to meet the needs of HIV/AIDS patients in Africa.

Individual: Bantjies, Thoko Ritta???Telephone:+27

Description: Counselling peer educators, placing affected patients in treatment programs, providing the community with volunteers.

Individual: Barnard, Ann???Telephone:+27 35 5910767

Description: Dr Barnard is a Medical doctor at Mosvold Hospital and has been working full-time on issues related to HIV/AIDS since October 2001. She is a Director of Ingwavuma Orphan Care, and overall director of the Ingwavuma AIDS Projects. She co-ordinates the MTCT programme at Msovold Hospital.

Individual: Bartley, Trish???Telephone:+441758 721236

Description: Trish is a mindfulness based stress reduction teacher - currently working with cancer patients in UK - coming to KwaZulu Natal in March and April 2005 and offering to run 2 day introductory workshops in MBSR for health and HIV/AIDS workers. Mindfulness is currently attracting much interest with growing evidence of increase in well being in people practicing mindfulness - who are affected by wide range of medical and psychological illness - and for health staff too. Trish worked in Limpopo in 1997 with rural communities.

Individual: Basson, Clive???Telephone:+27 31 2605809

Description: Mr Basson has held two workshops for Pietermaritzburg ATIC on supervision for HIV counsellors in the region. He also assisted the ATIC staff in developing a model for supervision/mentoring. He is based at the University of Natal.

Individual: Basu, Sanjay???Telephone:+44 0870 120 0870 x26958

Description: Sanjay Basu is the director of United Trauma Relief, a non-profit organization that works on radical redistribution initiatives. He studies and writes on the World Trade Organization and access to medicines, as well as issues around the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement, U.S. Trade Representative bilateral and regional trade initiatives, and 'diseases of development'.

Individual: Baxter, Veronica???Telephone:+27

Description: Veronica is an educational theatre and drama practitioner

Individual: Bernard, Rowena Bronwen???Telephone:+27 31 2602446

Description: Rowena Bernard provides free legal services to the poor and disadvantaged people in South Africa. Rowena also provides full legal services to people living with HIV/AIDS and who have been unfairly discriminated against due to his/her HIV status. She is based at the University of Natal.

Individual: Bhana, Arvin???Telephone:+27 31 2731400

Description: Professor Arvin Bhana is the Director of Research in the Child, Youth and Family Development Programme at the Human Sciences Research Council in Durban.

Individual: Bhekiswayo, Sindi???Telephone:+27 32 4801372

Description: Sindi is the Vice Chairperson of the organisation called Maya - Maphumulo Youth in Action. The organisation is generally a Home Based Care group.

Individual: Bhengu, Sfiko???Telephone:+27 31 7751363

Description: Sfiko Bhengu is an administrative clerk at the Shongweni Clinic. He is the treasurer of the Ntshongweni HIV/AIDS Support Group.

Individual: Bhigjee, Ahmed Iqbal???Telephone:+27 31 4605038/40

Description: Professor Bhigjee is involved in Neurological care and research at Wentworth Hospital. He is also involved in the neurological aspects of HIV infection and a principal specialist/professor of medicine.

Individual: Bingham, Kevin???Telephone:+27 31 2601192

Description: Kevin is a Practicing Architect and a Lecturer at the University of Natal's School of Architecture Planning & Housing. His present research is entitled "A Study of the Impact HIV/AIDS is having on Selected Building Types in KwaZulu-Natal". Kevin's practical experience in the HIV/AIDS field encompasses hospices and hospice outreach facilities, medical facilities and accommodation for orphans of HIV/AIDS. Kevin regularly structures AIDS projects for Architectural Design students to enhance their knowledge and interest in this much-needed field. His teaching responsibilities include Architectural Design, Building Technology & Services, Structures and Acoustics. He is the Coordinator of the PostGraduate Design Dissertation module. His expertise and interests include acoustics, medical architecture, HIV/AIDS and architecture.

Individual: Bishop, Thofi Stephen???Telephone:+27 11 7172635

Description: Mr Thofi Bishop works for Wits University Medical School in the Division of Bioethics, as the project manager for the HIV/AIDS ELSI web portal.

Individual: Blose, Thembi???Telephone:+27 35 5507500

Description: Mrs Thembi Blose is employed at the Africa Centre as an Infant Feeding Specialist for both infected mothers and non-infected mothers. She is very interested in knowing more about HIV and related issues, symposia and workshops.

Individual: Bodasing, Uvani???Telephone:+27 31 2604620

Description: Ms Bodasing is a Junior Researcher currently registered as a full time postgraduate student, pursuing a Masters degree in Medical Science (M Med Sc), at the Department of Pediatrics & Child health, under the supervision of Professor H.M.Coovadia and Professor A Coutsoudis. My research focus is antiretrovirals (adults & paediatrics), specifically medication adherence/compliance.

Individual: Bollaert, Steve???Telephone:+27 33 3471911

Description: Mr Bollaert is evangelising the cities of Africa through the word of God and through deeds in partnership with church. HIV/AIDS services started in 2000.

Individual: Botes, Heinrich???Telephone:+27 317640443

Description: Mr Botes is a Social Worker and Co-ordinator of AIDS projects. He deals with home based care, industrial care, orphan care. He also visits schools and churches providing audio-visual information and information booklets.

Individual: Botha, Wilna???Telephone:+27 31 2611013

Description: Mrs Botha is an Executive Director, involved building and helping to sustain organisations. She trains rural school communities to be able to use, manage, share and create teaching and learning resources.

Individual: Botha, Willem???Telephone:+27 31 3329614

Description: Willem Botha is a Pastor at The Ark, working with homeless people. He also assists with counselling and rehabilitation.

Individual: Bourgault, Louise???Telephone:+906 2271645

Description: Professor Bourgault is an HIV/AIDS activist who is interested in all aspects of performance and popular art in the struggle against HIV-AIDS, particularly in Africa. She has recently produced a documentary video entitled "AIDS and the Arts in Africa." She is completing a manuscript on performance and HIV/AIDS which will be published by Carolina Academic Press in 2003.

Individual: Boyce, Jennifer???Telephone:+27 31 7031771/7092977

Description: Jennifer Boyce is the HIV/AIDS Project Manager at the Home and Family Life Foundation. She coordinates training, counselling and home care programmes within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Marianhill.

Individual: Bradley, Kirsten???Telephone:+27 35 9028042

Description: Kirsten Bradley is the Unit Manager at the Empangeni Garden Clinic and the HIV/AIDS Needlestick co-ordinator for the hospital. She is involved in HIV counselling for patients and staff, but focuses on staff, and prevention of needlestick injuries.

Individual: Braude, Nevil???Telephone:+27 31 3142228

Description: Mr Braude is a pharmacist and became interested in the activities of HIVAN during the Artists Action Around Aids campaign.

Individual: Brauteseth, Peter???Telephone:+27 31 9023581

Description: Peter is involved in HIV/AIDS awareness and education at his company, Pickfords Removals.

Individual: Bright, Lufafa???Telephone:+256 78 482596

Description: Dear sir,/madam, We are a christian founded organisation involved in care for AIDS orphans. Our programs can be seen on our website at www.taostuganda.org We would like the orphans to benefit from the programs of your organisation. The purpose of this communication is to seek information on the modalties for collaboration with your org.so we request you to respond indicating to us what input you need from us. Yours sinceerly Lufafa Bright For taost uganda

Individual: Brooks, Gary???Telephone:+27 31 7652094

Description: Inspector Gary Brooks is a policeman and philanthropist.

Individual: Brown, Rebekah???Telephone:+27 31 4655853

Description: Mrs Brown is an Oncology nurse working voluntarily in KZN with an interest in Home based HIV/AIDS care.

Individual: Brown, David Fraser???Telephone:+27 31 2602437

Description: David Fraser Brown ran a progamme on the impact of HIV/AIDS on Africa for social science students at the University of Natal Durban from 1990 to 1995. In addition, he has run HIV/AIDS research projects for third year undergraduates from 1995 -2002. He also supervised a Masters Degree in the Sociology of Health on Voluntary counselling and testing in 2002. He is based at the University of Natal.

Individual: Brown, Maggie???Telephone:+44 208 8747717

Description: Maggie Brown is emplyed by Save the Children, and is based in Angola.

Individual: Bruynse, Ingrid???Telephone:+27 11 714 5026

Description: Ms Bruynse is the Project Manager for Schooling at SABC Education. She is an educationalist who is involved in children and the media.

Individual: Buck, Francois???Telephone:+27 31 3276000

Description: Mr Buck is an individual who is concerned about HIV/AIDS and its effect in the workplace.

Individual: Buckenham, Karen???Telephone:+27 33 3420052

Description: Director of Pietermaritzburg Agency For Christian Social Awareness (PACSA). PACSA provides education and advocacy on HIV/AIDS, youth and gender issues.

Individual: Bukulu, William Joseph???Telephone:+44 113 2120 173

Description: Dr. Bukulu Graduated with MBChB at Makerere University, Kampala in 1992. He obtained a Masters of Science in STDs from the University College London. He holds an MPH from University of Leeds. He has worked with the STD Control Unit of the STD/AIDS Control Programme of the Ministry of Health since 1995. He has taken part in care and research on HIV/AIDS in Uganda. Worked with the Makerere Case Western Reserve University research projects dealing with TB in HIV. He worked with The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO) one of the biggest care organisations of PLWA in Uganda. He has undertaken consultancies in the New Sudan, Yei and Rumbek, training in syndromic approach to STD management. He is interested in core groups dynamics in HIV control.

Individual: Buser, Julie???Telephone:09248 3481546

Description: Julie is a Masters student in infant, child and adolescent health at the University of Michigan. She has strong interests in international children's health.

Individual: Bushebi, Emmanuel???

Description: Mr Bushebi is a researcher in herbal medicine (Alternative therapy), with specific focus on HIV/AIDS and cancer.

Individual: Buthelezi, Martha???Telephone:+27 31 9077260

Description: Sister Buthelezi is the Head of Department of the Campus Health Clinic at Mangosuthu Technikon. The clinic is a Primary Health Care Facility.

Individual: Buthelezi, Thabisile???Telephone:+27 31 260 3471

Description: Dr Thabisile Buthelezi works at the Edgewood Campus of the University of Natal. She is working on intergrating HIV/AIDS in the curriculum for teacher training. She has thus developed modules on HIV/AIDS and related issues that are taught both to the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in education. She lectures on HIV/AIDS, Sexuality Education, Teenage Pregnancy, Child Abuse, gender and other related issues to both undergraduate and postgraduate B.Ed students. She has done research on Body Image and Gender subtexts in print media magazine adverts available in South Africa at the beginning of the 21st century. Her other area of interest is Language education which she lectures to undergraduate and postgraduate students in education.

Individual: Buthelezi, Irene Nonhlanhla???Telephone:+27 35 4504680

Description: Irene is the co-ordinator at the Mthonjaneni Community Resource Centre. Her main focus is educating individuals about childrens rights, gender equality, human rights amd democracy.

Individual: Butler, Lisa M.???Telephone:+1 415 597 8123

Description: Dr Butler is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS), University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). She, in collaboration with scientists and clinicians from UCSF and the University of Natal, Durban, is conducting research on human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8)/Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) transmission to children.

Individual: Byker, Nonka???Telephone:+27 12 362 2908

Description: Ms Byker recently founded a company involved in HIV/AIDS training, testing and counselling.

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