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This website houses a comprehensive database of individuals and organisations working in the field of HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal. Our database is already proving to be an effective tool in networking organisations with one another and publicising responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIVAN is committed to ensuring that this database remains current and responsive to the needs of stakeholders in the province.

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16 matches found

Individual: Aadnesgaard, Linda???Telephone:+27 33 3451857

Description: Linda is the Director of Thandanani Association. Thandanani aims to mobilise and empower communities to care for orphans and other vulnerable children, with a focus on improving the lives of children in their community of origin and hospitals. Thandanani's vision involves ensuring that children remain in their community of origin with a caregiver.

Individual: Abdool Karim, Salim S.???Telephone:+27 31 260 2383

Description: Salim S. Abdool Karim is a clinical epidemiologist, world-renowned for his contributions in HIV/AIDS. He is Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Development) at the University of Natal in Durban, Professor in Clinical Epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University and Adjunct Professor in Medicine at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Dr Abdool Karim is Associate Editor of AIDS Clinical Care, Corresponding Editor of the International Journal of Infectious Diseases and Editorial Board member of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and the Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine. He is principal investigator of Southern African Fogarty AIDS/TB Training and Research Programme and co-investigator in both the HIV Prevention Trials Unit and the HIV Vaccine Trials Unit at Columbia University. Dr Abdool Karim chairs a NIH-funded six-country phase III microbicide trial (HPTN 035) involving over 10,000 women and co-chairs a phase I HIV vaccine trial.

Individual: Abdulla, Fathima???Telephone:+27 31 2604653

Description: Fathima is a member of HIVAN's Networking and Sectoral Research Team.

Individual: Aboobaker, Jamila???Telephone:+27 31 2098664

Description: Professor Aboobaker is Head of the Dermatology Department at the Nelson R Mandela Medical School at the University of Natal, serving the whole of KwaZulu Natal and Northen part of the Eastern Cape. In this region almost 20% of the African population is infected with the HIV-related skin problems and infections.

Individual: Adams, Meenaaz???Telephone:+27 31 2073223

Description: Meenaz is the Principal/Social worker at the St Thomas Home for Children. This home offers services to abandoned, sexually abused, HIV positive and neglected children. Medical, nutritional, educational, religious and recreational services are offered.

Individual: Aghaokoro, Alphonzo???Telephone:+234 803 333 6649

Description: Dr Aghaokoro is a practicing Reflexologist in Nigeria who aims to help his generation through holistic health care practices.

Individual: Akintunde, Edmund???Telephone:+2348033534809

Description: Pastor Akintunde is the HIV/AIDS Coordinator of the Ministry of Education, Ondo State, Nigeria. He is involved in the designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Education Sector's response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. He supervises activities in over 280 Public Secondary Schools.

Individual: Akuffo-Gyan, Frederick???Telephone:+233 217010689

Description: Mr Akuffo-Gyan is a Ghanaian citizen working with a group fighting HIV/AIDS in Ghana.

Individual: Alemnji, George???Telephone:+237 2229166

Description: Mr Alemnji is a Chemical Pathologist, working with the CDC in Atlanta, USA. He is also involved in an HIV variant project in Cameroon.

Individual: Ambaw, Berhanu???Telephone:+251 01 527833/506134

Description: Mr Ambaw is a graduate, with a degree in agricultural economics and a diploma in management. He is currently working in a local non-governmental organization which runs HIV/AIDS programmes. He is based in Addis Ababa.

Individual: Amed, Opio Sunday???Telephone:+256 77621817

Description: Mr Amed is the assistant private secretary to his excellency, the President of Uganda, Lt Gen Yoweri Museven Kaguta. Mr Amed is also the fundraiser and special event coordinator for the Charity for Orphans and Women,a community based organisation in Kayunga district, which works to empower orphans,vulnerable children and women.

Individual: Appalsamy, Meera???Telephone:+27 31 205 9941

Description: Meera is an educator who previously worked at a teacher training college as a lecturer.

Individual: Armstrong, Beryl???Telephone:+27 31 7196500

Description: Beryl is responsible for co-ordinating HIV/AIDS awareness in the workplace, for the East Coast Region of the South African National Blood Service.

Individual: Armstrong, Caroline???Telephone:+27 33 8973000

Description: Dr Armstrong works at Grey's Hospital in Pietermaritzburg. She is involved in the provision of primary medical care to in-patients in the Pietermaritzburg area.

Individual: Arntz, Tanja???Telephone:+27 31 260 3563

Description: Tanja Arntz is the Co-ordinator at the Campus HIV/AIDS Support Unit, a component of The Centre for HIV/AIDS Networking, at the University of Natal (Durban), responsible for co-ordinating activities and awareness programmes on campus.

Individual: Aul, Alexander???Telephone:+27

Description: Student at University of Constance, Germany

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