I Need Help
Student Counselling Centre:
The Student Counselling Centre offers confidential and professional counselling by senior psychologists and interns.
Services offered:
Howard College - 031-260 2668 - located in the house on the right of the main campus entrance
Medical School - 031 - 260 4595 - located in a hut next to the MRC building. Open from 8.30am - 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Pietermaritzburg Student Counselling & Careers Centre: 033 - 2605233 - offers individual or group counselling for all your personal problems. SCC also runs two support groups.

Campus Health Clinic:
Howard College - Shepstone car park (Tel: 031 - 260 3285) or Medical School - Room No. 59 (Tel: 031 - 260 4506), Department of Human Anatomy. Medical School students can also make use of the Howard College clinic.
Services Offered:
The clinic offers a basic primary health care service to registered students and staff. For staff on medical aid, this treatment essentially consists of emergency or short-term treatment to tide them over until they can get to see their own doctor. For all students and staff not on medical aid, the full course of treatment required will be provided, e.g. antibiotics.
The Campus Health Clinic is now offering Ayurvedic health services to staff and students. Kantilal and Urmila Bhowan are offering the new service. They are both certified in Ayurvedic therapies and registered as Primary Health Care Advisors in Ayurveda with The Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa. The Ayurveda method of health management is particularly useful for people who suffer from any form of stress. The emphasis is on lifestyle management and diet control for health maintenance and recovery. The clinic hours for Ayurveda consultation are Fridays, from 14h00 to 16h00 and consultation will be appointment only. The normal administrative levy of R5.00 per visit is payable for consultation. For further information, please call 27 31 260 2599 or e-mail: [email protected]
Other services include:
Monitoring blood pressure and blood sugar
Treatment of general ailments and infections including STDs
Contraception, PAP smears, free condoms
AIDS testing - also pre- and post-test counselling
Emergency pill
A confidential and professional service is provided by four professional nurses. Doctors are seen by appointment between 12pm and 2pm. This is a service for all students and staff not on medical aid. Clinic staff will require proof of registration.
Call: Howard College: 031 - 260 3285 between 7am and 4pm, Monday to Friday
Medical School: 031 - 2604506 between 12pm and 2pm, Monday to Friday.
Pietermaritzburg: 033 - 2605208 (internal x 5208). Open 8am to 12.15, Mon to Fri and 2pm to 3pm, Mon to Thurs. For more on the Pietermaritzburg clinic, click here.
AIDS Tests are now free!
AIDS Toll-free Helpline: 0800-012-322
Services offered:
24-hour support counselling in all 11 languages
Information on all aspects of sexual health including sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, sexual abuse, abortion etc.
Cost - Phone call
AIDS Training and Information Centre (ATIC):
Durban: 031 - 3003104
Pietermaritzburg: 033 - 3951612
Services Offered:
Pre- and post-test counselling
Peer education and counselling training
Availability of promotional material such as pamphlets and posters
Distribution of condoms
Information dissemination talks and sessions

McCord Hospital - Sinikithemba HIV/AIDS Care Centre: 031-2685718
Services offered:
Pre- and post-test counselling
Affordable treatment
Training in home-based care
Support groups
Opportunity to earn income - bead making and other projects
Pastoral services
Social work services
Cost: Free counselling for destitute clients, but otherwise R40 (includes pre- and post-test counselling and test)
Lifeline (they actually staff the AIDS Toll-free Helpline 0800-012-322):
Stop Women Abuse Tollfree line: 0800-150-150
Durban office: 031 - 312 2323
Pietermaritzburg office: 033 - 394 4444
PMB Zulu office: 033 - 394 4444
Services offered:
Cost - Phone call
LoveLife thethajunction: 0800 121 900
Operating hours: Mon - Fri, 1pm - 9pm.
Sat - Sun, 12pm - 5pm
Services offered:
Cost: Phone call
Campus Needlestick Hotline:
Please note that the Campus Health Clinics in Durban, Medical School and Pietermaritzburg have taken over the management of needlestick injuries. If you sustain any injuries, please see the sister at your nearest campus health clinic as soon as possible. The hotline for needlestick injuries is still in operation = 082 822 2290/91.
Services offered: Information